Overcome Yourself - The Podcast

Empowering Women and Transforming Lives Through Vision Boards with Pamela Stone


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Ever wondered how a simple vision board could transform your life? Well, in our latest episode, we had an enlightening chat with Pamela Stone, a dynamic woman empowerment coach who used vision boards as a tool for her own evolution from employee to entrepreneur. Pamela passionately shared her story and opened up about her vision board kit, an innovative tool that has been guiding women on their journey to discover their 'what's next'. She emphasized the joy and excitement vision boards bring to individuals, inspiring a sense of ownership and accountability.

Moving into the realm of manifestation, Pamela explained the need for intentionality in our desires. She highlighted how vision boards could serve as a tool for anyone, irrespective of their financial status or age. What's even more captivating is her belief that using vision boards for personal betterment is not a selfish act, but can positively impact people around us. Our conversation also touched upon her inspiring work beyond individual coaching, including her podcasts, TV station, and magazine, all intended to empower women and build a supportive community.

As we wrapped up our conversation, Pamela reflected on the impact her work has had on young women, and how she has been challenging societal norms. She was candid about her journey of self-overcoming, shedding light on her personal transformation. It was an inspiring discussion that highlighted Pamela's unwavering dedication to empowering women. So, tune into this episode to get inspired and learn more about the transformative power of vision boards. You won't want to miss it!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to the Overcome Yourself podcast. As you know, my name is Nicole and I'm so excited to be here today with Pamela, and I love that you've got in the background. Envision me, think big. I love it. So please introduce yourself, pamela, and let us know what you do. I'm so excited to have you here with us.

Speaker 2:

First of all, first and foremost, thank you for having me on here. I'm super excited. But my name is Pam Stone. I am a woman empowerment coach. I help women to go after their what's next. And how do we do that? You know, we're all so confused or not even knowing how to do it. So I actually have created a vision board kit where we will talk about it from beginning to the end and we'll figure out the middle and in between. So now I do. I have a vision board kit. I also now have two podcasts. I also have a TV station and a vision made magazine. So I'm believing trying to touch all women around our ways to help them get empowered.

Speaker 1:

I love that. So so much, tell me about this vision board kit, because the vision board has been such a big part of of what I've done, of what's helped me reframe my mindset. It's really cool to find a vision board that you made and be like, oh my God, I did all this Right. So tell me about that a little bit more.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. With the vision board kit, actually, I have everything in the kit. It may be the scissors, the glue, the pins, the magazine I even have the magazines in there, boards colored, everything. But also I take it further because I believe in empowering ourselves is by expanding our minds. So each kit comes with a book and the book actually is talks about how to create different vision boards and what they would. It takes to even have a vision board. But I'm so glad to see a fellow vision board user I'm, so I'm starting to hear a lot more. For a while there, you know, people didn't know what it was, or people are like it's not, doesn't work, or better. Yet you see them doing it and then it sits in the corner collecting dust. So I'm glad to see people are starting to use them more and talk here and even talking about it more.

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely. I learned about it. Probably the secret is the first time you know. A lot, of, a lot of people got exposed to manifesting for the first time with the secret, the movie, and ever since then we have made I've made a lot of vision boards and and yet helps you to expand your vision. I absolutely love it. So that's so cool. So tell me about your podcast as well, and then I'm going to ask you, obviously, about the TV station.

Speaker 2:

We're going to get into it, but tell me a little bit more about the podcast.

Speaker 2:

So the podcast, I have two of them. So the first one is the vision board show and actually it is all centered around the vision board. Of course, and you know I take I go on there is every Tuesday and I sit down, we take the vision board out the back and we talk about the parts of a vision board and how it plays a part into growing, building a vision board and the importance of it, and just sit down and having fun. You know I believe in having so much fun. I'm always telling you, bring your, bring your favorite evening beverage and your snack and let's put the board together and even ask me questions. And then the next show I have is envisioning envision me show podcast, and it's there.

Speaker 2:

I bring on powerhouse women and we come on, we do interviews, but we're doing some girl talk. Sit down and let's really find out what is holding you back from your what's next and let's pill the layers of back and let's go after it after you've done, after we've done that. So I have those two shows going on and then, yes, I do have a TV show. The TV show is actually can be seen on Roku, apple and Amazon. There I have brought created like a TED talk where women can come on and share their story. I mean, everybody hears my story, right? You hear me talking on the two podcasts. I want everyone to get a mixture too, and it's not all about me. So I have created where women can come on and they can tell their story and share it with the women around people around the world.

Speaker 1:

I love that. That is so empowering, that is so amazing. So many questions I want to ask you. I want to know about your journey, Because my book you know, this podcast is named after my book, which is called Overcome Yourself. Because it's what I had to do and it's, you know, I learned, I figured out that it was all. You know. It starts with mindset right and overcoming me and overcoming, you know, the space right here in your head and overcoming those voices, that negative voice that's just trying to keep you safe. So, in that journey to doing all of these amazing things and empowering women, do you feel like you had to overcome yourself?

Speaker 2:

I had to overcome myself, but also society norms. You know, let's be honest, society sets the bar and then it's up to us are we going to go with what society says or are we going to go against it? And then, when you go against it, then you guess what's coming along with it and you've got the fear, the fault, the failure and everybody else that comes with it. So I did have to overcome a lot of that. It was, ironically enough, the story started out with I had my girlfriend. She is my girlfriend and she was my boss. And one day she came to me. She says OK, this is it, I'm giving you two weeks notice and you won't have a job. And I'm like, ok, ok, let me digest this for a moment. She goes, you can digest it all you want, but in two weeks, this is it. And so, after I got myself together, I had another mentor in the same place and I'm like you never guess what she told me. She's like oh, I know it's been time for you to leave. And I'm like, really, you can see it in there. And so everyone else seeing the possibilities of what I can do. And you know, we're so blind by what society has.

Speaker 2:

And also, too, I was a people pleaser, so I was doing everything. Everybody told me what to do. Everybody was like and you know, when I did it I was getting praised. But when I went against the grain, I was like well, I was told you already had your chance. And so all of that manifested on top and it just kept going and going and it built on top of it and it got to the point of where I relied on food.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, I relied on food Because, let's be honest, food can't talk back until my girlfriend the first girlfriend that told me that lost my job. She's like I'm going to show you the life that you really should be getting. And she took me underneath her wing and she showed me what true entrepreneurship and how it worked for me. But she also talked to me about you know, you're going to be out here by yourself, so you're going to have to learn how to do it. So I felt that's where my whole journey began, on how I overcame it. But it was a true shocker. You know, when you're thinking you're making this money and you're making good money and you're so comfortable, and then they were like nope, that's not how it's going to work out. So absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and you know what Seeds of adversity bring with them equal seeds of opportunity right and so sometimes, yeah, that's think and grow rich, right.

Speaker 1:

That's a classic as well, and sometimes that's what it takes, right. And then I think it's awesome that you have a friend that loves you enough to be honest with you and is able to have because that's a hard conversation. Be like you're my friend but you can't work here anymore Because you have too much potential for this, and so I just want to commend your friend on that. I'm being able to just be honest with you and say you're better than this. You've got so much more that you can do, because a lot of people don't have that. And so it's wondering. And what you mentioned about being comfortable, it's so true because it could be so hard to leave something, because when you have a job and it's paying you a lot of money and even though you're kind of miserable.

Speaker 2:

But at least I'm getting paid.

Speaker 1:

And that's really, really scary, and so I think it's amazing. But look at you now with your podcast and your show, and so I love it. I love how this kind of a you know, like an unexpected, like something that went not how you expected, but then there was like just this wonderful fruit that came from it, and so I think that's amazing. So you mentioned something that I want to come back to and you mentioned we were talking about the vision boards and the importance. Can you touch on the importance of creating that vision board, because I'm sure that was part of your process.

Speaker 1:

Once all that stuff happened, you have to be like, well, what do I want now, what do I want? Because we get to a point where we finally, there's nobody else and we have to be like, what do I want? And so I feel like the vision board kind of must have been a big part of that. So touch on the importance of creating a vision board and why would we even want? You know, why should we order this, this program from you? And to do it with you, right?

Speaker 2:

So let me first start off saying when that all? When the walls or my world came crumbling down I had a vision board, but I didn't understand how it worked.

Speaker 2:

I really didn't, I truly didn't. And actually my girlfriend, she is truly a blessing because she's like Pam, they do work. I'm like girl, really, no, they don't. And you know I mean, but it was all that. You know, remember, I was getting everything from all angles, but it taught me the importance of it is knowing that it's mine.

Speaker 2:

First of all, I had to create ownership. That vision board is so important for ownership because we, again, I was relying on somebody else and she sat me down and she did even say guess what? I'm going to let you sit here, I'm going to explain how it works and the rest of you have to figure out. But it loud, but it. But she did that because she knows how I am and I had to own it and I had not to rely on anybody. So then, first and foremost, the vision board taught me ownership. And it's okay, it's on the board, because it's not, it's, I'm not going to fail, it's mine.

Speaker 2:

And regardless of how big it is, knowing that it's reachable, I didn't put anything on there. I didn't want to set myself up, I didn't put anything on there that can't be obtained. So it went again. The vision board. One reminded me of who I am it also actually created the accountability? Because once I created it and I looked at them like, wow, this is me. And now how am I going to get to what I said I put on there? Everything that I put on my board is everything to be intentional and it's also to be solving as a purpose and a passion for me. And so when everything that I put on that board, I look at them, I can, I see, I look at my board. To this day, I literally have five, five boards. Three are around me and two are on my phone.

Speaker 2:

I'm, I'm this is how much I believe in it, but and I look at them and they, but they all serve a different purpose and they all come with different meanings and they all come in with they're all the funnel coming into. This is where I want to be ultimately, but they each come with a different purpose, so it's so important for us to understand what do we want? Now, again, you have to remember society is so worried. We're so worried about, especially as mothers, we're worried about what everybody else is thinking and trying to get everybody you know, family going on and everything we lose ourselves.

Speaker 2:

Also, again, the vision board gives ownership and also it gives you the accountability of where you're going to. And then, lastly, it also gives you to the possibilities of where you can go to, because once you see those items, that what I do is I pull off everything that I've achieved and I pull it off my vision board and I look at my board, I'm like, wow, okay, I've accomplished all of this. Then I can go back and I created them because it creates excitement on what I've done and I've done it. I've done it with me, of course, with amazing other women behind me, but no one I was the driver of it.

Speaker 1:

I love that and so important is that a vision board is like a living document. It's not something you do once and then you just forget about it. You know, with every new season in your life you can create a new vision board. Or maybe you have a vision board like you mentioned, maybe you have a family life vision board and a business vision board, or, you know, for all areas of our life so we can get so, so creative and, like you said, you can cut out stuff out of magazines, you can print stuff out or you can even, like jump in Canva, throw some things in there together and then you have it on your phone.

Speaker 1:

So I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it. So what is the one big tip that you give to all your clients, like, what is your? What's the secret sauce that we all got to know Be?

Speaker 2:

intentional. Love it. Be intentional in knowing that we can manifest what we want. You sit down and just be intentional. Everyone's like manifest. What is that? That's a whole nother. Show that. I can be on, but be intentional and manifest what you want. Manifest for what you want, not for anybody else.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I love that so much. And keeping our eyes. The vision board, I think, helps us keep our eyes on those goals, because when we start manifesting, sometimes we get the lessons. So the lessons are the first thing that hit us and you're like wait a second. I watched the secret and that little kid was thinking about a bike and a bike showed up at the house. I thought that when I started thinking about $100,000, someone was just going to show up and give me $100,000. Isn't that how this is supposed to work? And what I found is that not exactly quite right, not exactly like that. So there are lessons that we have to learn, and until we don't learn those lessons, so sometimes these lessons come at us and then you're like why am I even doing this? And then you look at your vision board and you're like, oh, because this, because this is the goal.

Speaker 1:

So an example that it's making me think of is when somebody had braces and then somebody said to them oh, I didn't know, you wanted braces. And the girl was like I don't want braces, what I wanted is straight teeth. And so we're focusing on that goal and the braces are uncomfortable, they make us look weird and we're self-conscious and we don't want them and they hurt. And then the doctor, and there's so many things and they're expensive. But then you have straight teeth and you're like I've never had braces so it's really funny that I use that example. But then you have your straight teeth and it was all worth it. Now it doesn't matter all the things in the soup you had to drink and all that stuff, because now your teeth are good and then whatever you can go on right, and so I think that's kind of we have to remember that sometimes manifesting works that way. It is coming, it's just not maybe in the way that we might have expected.

Speaker 2:

All plus two and also a vision board. You have to put in work right. Just like the braces. You have to go to the dentist every time to get the teeth tightened up or they had to do a correction. So the vision board everyone thinks it's the magic wand of all, and it's not. You have to put in the work too to be honest with you so you absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Because it's not like a magic saw, it's not like a wish board, it's not a genie, it is. We are adjusting our perspective and adjusting our mindset and changing our vibrations to attract those things to us, so it's such a big deal. I love that this is what you have specialized in, because it is such a big deal and you're right, it's not something that a lot of people talk about, and I think it's because they don't understand. Right, we don't understand what we don't know, and so I think it's absolutely beautiful that you're out here empowering women and like such a foundational thing is building out these vision boards. Yes, so tell me a little bit more about your story before we sign off here. I want to know more. How, how did you get into doing all of this?

Speaker 2:

So after okay, after the initial shock and but the bless, like I said, let me go a little bit further, as my girlfriend had brought me down and sued me and said it's going to be okay. Then she also had taken me under her wing and I got to, because I always thought I wanted to travel, but I didn't understand what entrepreneurship truly was. So I went with her and traveled. I've been I mean, I've been offered to go across the country with her because she speaks a lot and I, but she's got to show me that, and so that's how I really got into into it Vision board and understanding, though let me say this, understanding because I really didn't understand what a vision board really did. I was like you, I'm thinking, oh, it's the magic potion, and things like that, and so I really started.

Speaker 2:

To this day, even though I is part of my business, I still look to see what studies are talking about and what people are saying about vision board and how it really works and how people are starting to implement it into their business and how people are talking about why I would have a. Even a bride is now I have an idea how I want my wedding to look, so people are starting to more and more talk about it. But I want more. I want more because I know it can be done and so many people can benefit from the vision board and how it can impact their lives in so many ways. It's just unbelievable.

Speaker 2:

Even I've, even now, start actually I do mentoring at high school and the high school girls are doing it and so every every year I go in and we do a new vision board with 30 30 girls and we do a vision board. So now they're like so what are we getting ready to do? Miss P, I'm like we're going to do another vision board, so everyone's getting to know what I do and things like that. So we have a vision board. I'm glad we're starting to do it and starting to hear it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And you know what. That's such a good point that vision boards are for any level. It doesn't matter what level you're at. Whether you are a high school girl that hasn't even started in business, or you're a high powered CEO making $100 billion a month, it doesn't matter, because there's always. There's always a vision, right Like we, if we're not growing, we're dying, and so we always have something else that we're striving for. So it doesn't matter what level we're at.

Speaker 1:

Those vision boards really just help us to, to just fulfill our purpose right, to focus and to go through yes, and then it really makes you think about what do I want? Which is something like to bring it back to what you said in the beginning, that, as women, I was on a coaching call today and that's the thing. The girl was like you know, it's been 30 years and I'm helping and I put everyone else first and now it's time for me.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to wait 30 years or you know, you don't have to know what at whatever point you realize it's time for me.

Speaker 1:

And the beautiful thing is because, you know, a lot of times, as women, we're like, oh, that's selfish. But it's not selfish, because the better you do, the better the people around you do. Right, because if you have more money, you could help your kids more, you could take them more places, you can buy them better school supplies you can. You know what I'm saying, and so it's like it's this beautiful cycle and so thinking about us and helping us and creating these vision boards helps everyone around us. So it's actually selfish to not create the vision boards and not go after what you want in that way. So I think that's so powerful. I love it. Oh my gosh, this is so awesome. All right, pam, can I add one more thing? Absolutely, add three.

Speaker 2:

yes, I want women to know, though, because I've been getting a lot late. Well, not now, because I'm like trying to break down the barrier. It doesn't matter what age you are. Please stop thinking that once you get to 45, to 50 or even 60, that you have to stop. I'm over 50 and I am loving the word, the life that this has taken me to and taken me on, so know that no matter the age that you are, you can still go after your what's next? It's so possible, so possible.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. That's when things get really fun, right, because now you know shit, now you know what's going on, right, right. And now you got money. I was really excited the other day when somebody gets to 50, you start reverting back to being a kid where you're kind of like the weirdo you were. But now you got money and you got a car, right, right, and so like nobody can stop you. So like that's like the best, right, so true so true, yes, so we got about five minutes.

Speaker 1:

Do you have any last little things that you want to mention? How can we stay in touch with you? Oh my gosh, like other than listening to your podcast, are you on social media and stuff?

Speaker 2:

I am, so I can be found on Facebook, Instagram and a little bit of TikTok. Okay, I'm trying to figure that out, but I'm there too. But you can find me under Visionmade Media or you can find me on a Pam Stone in all of those platforms there. Or, if you want to even stay connected with me, you can also email me at thestonestonemethodcom.

Speaker 1:

Love it. Oh my God, awesome, awesome, awesome. Thank you so much, pam. This has been just absolutely wonderful. I'm so excited for what you've got going on, how you're helping women. I love that you're working with young ladies, like down at the high school level. Like those girls' lives are gonna be so impacted with this work. They don't even know how powerful what they're learning is right now, you know, but just implementing those things and I mean the world is their oyster. So thank you for the work that you do and for empowering women, and thank you so much for being here. This has been so wonderful Well thank you for having me.

Speaker 2:

Yes, this was a blast Time went by so fast.

Speaker 1:

I know right, it was really fast, but time goes fast and you're having fun right. So this has been a great connection.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, it has been.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so thank you. Like I said, thank you guys so much for joining us. This has been amazing and we'll catch you on the next episode.