Overcome Yourself - The Podcast
Nicole Tuxbury is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in mindset and business development. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs overcome themselves, build the online business of their dreams and have fun doing it! Nicole is an author and speaker, co-founder of a (bootstrapped) 6-figure e-commerce business, and entrepreneur coach/consultant. She has a free Facebook group for entrepreneurs who are ready to overcome themselves and have fun building their dream business and is the host of the Overcome Yourself. Nicole has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and overcoming herself. She was able to take the things about herself that she once saw as weaknesses- talking too much, depression, anxiety, a back injury, chronic nerve pain, being really bad at having a job (and more)- and use them to her advantage to build a business that now affords her freedom of time and money. Her experience and connections in sales, marketing, web development, writing, and most importantly, overcoming herself, make her an invaluable asset to entrepreneurs who are ready to take their business to the next level.
Overcome Yourself - The Podcast
Exploring Intuition, Face Reading, and Soulmate Activation with Melanie Lococo
Imagine if you could tap into a world of intuition, unmask the beauty of your face and find your soulmate - all in one podcast! Our guest, Melanie Lococo, guides us on this transformative journey. With her expertise in intuition and face reading, Melanie brings a fresh perspective to how we view our faces, and how a deeper understanding of them can strengthen relationships. She also introduces us to her soulmate activation process, a magical journey she embarked on to find her own life partner.
We dive into the essence of Melanie's empowering books, "I am Light, I am Right" and "Tango Loose Ibrillo," unraveling the power of affirmations and self-confidence for children. Plus, we get a sneak peek at her performance at the upcoming San Diego Storytelling Festival. The conversation doesn't stop there. We tap into the impact of her work on entrepreneurs, both as individuals and couples, and discover the exclusive discounts she offers for teachers and organizations. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, and learn how to uplift the energy of any room like a 'thermostat.
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Hello and welcome back to the next episode of the Overcome Yourself podcast. As you know, my name is Nicole and I'm so excited to be here today with Melanie Lococo. Now, melanie, tell me all about what you do. I've been watching some interviews with you. I know that you and I are together in Brenda's Soul Story Lounge. I love watching you perform when we do the open mic nights together. So tell me a little bit about yourself, melanie, and tell me about what you do.
Speaker 2:Okay, thank you. Thank you so much for having me, nicole. It really is fun to be in Soul Story Lounge with you. It's just a joy. So I offer a few wonderful services. One is I'm an intuitive. Intuitive and that means that I help people to get clarity, to be uplifted, to be encouraged, to be inspired to follow their path and to be able to reduce some of the stress that we have going on right now.
Speaker 1:That is wonderful.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I do that in my intuitive. It seems like there's something going on with the sound. Yeah, I can hear you. Okay, all right, okay, good, all right, so very good.
Speaker 2:And the other thing that I do is I am an expert face reader and I love this. I love this because I help people to understand and appreciate the beauty or the handsomeness of their face, but also the characteristics of the qualities, the leadership qualities, the people that have intentions, their strengths, their gifts, their talents. Because oftentimes when we look in the mirror I know when I was little I had these buck teeth and just, you know, I looked kind of, you know, funny looking, and you know I wasn't very secure about myself and I would look in the mirror and go, oh, there's something wrong with me. But as I started, you know, as I grew up and and and learn more of the spiritual path, the spiritual way, I saw that the, that there was gifts in the faith that we chose to come into this world. So I became friends with wonderful Louise Hay, the legendary writer of you Can Heal your Life, and we became friends and we took a course in face reading together and I did a lot of mime when I was younger, in high school, so a lot of expressions and everything like that. So face reading became fascinating to me and so we took this course and we would just stare at people and then chat about you know what their, what their facial features mean and everything.
Speaker 2:And I love to do that for couples in particular, because when couples can see, let's say, they've been together for quite some time and they start to you know, sometimes you just go, okay, honey, I know who you are, or whatever. But when you actually do a face reading with a couple, they start seeing, oh yes, that's right, that wonderful quality about my beloved, or I forgot, or oh really, I didn't know that. And so there's a bonding that starts happening and appreciation, a closeness that has never happened before Face reading. It's really quite remarkable. And then the other thing that I do is it's called a soulmate activation process, and this is where I help people to actively attract that person that they love in their life through feeling.
Speaker 2:It's not like a list of things. A lot of people have done that and I used my own, my own particular list, not list, but I did do some lists, but mostly the feelings. So I actually did my own process for myself because I wanted to. You know it was time. It was like, oh gosh, I really would love to have the person of my dreams come in, and so I did this process for myself and my beloved Richard came in, and we've been together for five years, so I know what works, and people have been so happy to do this process with me. So that's one of the things that I do too, nicole.
Speaker 1:So that's very wonderful Thank you, oh my goodness.
Speaker 1:Yes, I love it as well. So many things that you touched on. We're both authors. I'm going to ask you about your book in just a minute. The things that you mentioned are kind of things that I touched on, so I find what you do so fascinating.
Speaker 1:It's in one of the chapters I talk about how some of us are like senders and we affect the feelings of other people, and what's really interesting is that even the prevalence of the muscles in our face are different, because we can express a wide variety of emotions just more more thoroughly. I don't know how to explain it. It's just that we have those muscles that and it's just very obvious like happy, excited Some people. You look at them and it's kind of hard to tell Are they happy or they sad, and then for some of us you can't help, like we don't have to say anything. Our face says it all, and so the fact that you can interpret that and you can take more meaning from that, I absolutely love that.
Speaker 1:So tell me a little bit about your book, because you're an author, you're doing just a phenomenal job of working with kids, right? Because as adults, we're always like I wish I had learned this as kids, and so you are getting to the root of it and you're like this is how we teach our kids. So talk to me a little bit about that and I'm going to wrap it back into the other thing that I saw similarly and what we do together with your soulmate activation. So tell me about your book, melanie. Okay, right.
Speaker 2:I wish I had a copy of it.
Speaker 2:I have two. I have I am light, I am right and Tango Loose Ibrillo. So I have it in English and in Spanish. And I'm so excited because on March 18th in San Diego we're having the San Diego Storytelling Festival and they invited me to tell the story of I am light, I am bright not read it, but tell it. So it's a whole new thing for me to tell the story about a little, basically about a little star that lost its family in a star storm and the father of the galactic family comes and invites her into the star family to learn the star way, because every star has a purpose and that purpose is to help travelers find their way in the darkest night.
Speaker 2:So I wrote this book because I wanted to share my story, which is I'm adopted and my father, the galactic father, came and brought me into his family and my mother's family, and I believe that adoptive parents, foster parents, social workers, teachers, those that are in the community you can be part of the family, but not be necessarily blood related and so it's a story about community, helping a little star along the way to believe in herself and to have confidence, and so it teaches children about affirmations and the power of affirmations I am light, I am bright, I guide travelers home at night, I glow, I glow. And so this little star doesn't really have the confidence in the beginning, but, with the help of the other stars who've been doing this for years, they close their eyes and they concentrate on their heart and they say this. So it's a way to help children learn to say this affirmation, believe in themselves and then be successful. And for me, success isn't just being I'm successful, I'm a successful author, I'm a successful, you know, a podcaster or whatever. It's.
Speaker 2:Not only that, it's. I am successful because I have helped people in my life. I am successful because this person got inspired by my book and they feel a little bit better. But this child you know, who was really shy, started doing the affirmation and maybe she got some more courage to be brave. So this is what the story is about and I love it because it's very international, nicole. It has these astronauts get saved, kids for peace. Astronauts get saved, and it's an international group of astronauts and so when they're saved by Stara, the main character, they thank her in many different languages.
Speaker 1:That's beautiful.
Speaker 2:I wanted it that, and so it's. The book has been in India, has been in Bali, has been in Italy, france, germany, it's been in Thailand. There's a group of kids that are learning English in Thailand, and it's also recently I shared it with some children that are living here now from Ukraine and they're learning English, and so I gifted the books a couple books for the two children so that they could feel welcomed here. So as an author, I feel so blessed to share the story. And another one is coming out, called Jump Joey Jump, about a kangaroo with a disabled leg who gets teased and he does something just so brave and courageous.
Speaker 2:And then I have another book coming out very shortly, in the next couple months. It's called Loving Life to the Last Lick Lessons and Adventures with Louise Hay. So that will be pulling back the curtain on a legendary icon of the self-help movement, louise Hay, and I traveled quite extensively with her as her friend and as the director of giving for Hay House, and so there are stories that people will be going oh my gosh, you know, really she did that and how entertaining. And oh my gosh, it's amazing because lots of people have her on a pedestal kind of thing, and so I'm just bringing her down home, like the girls, and I think people will be very inspired and surprised.
Speaker 1:Oh, that is amazing. I love your story. My mom was Cuban, so my first language is Spanish, so I absolutely love that your book is in both languages. And my mom died when I was one and a half, and so I understand what it's like to have family that's not blood related, to have that community and to be raised amongst a lot of people. And when our families don't look you know when we go to school and our families don't really look like other families, and you know there's a lot that goes along with it. So my heart is with you.
Speaker 1:I think that's just so wonderful that you've taken something and you've made something so beautiful with it. I'm so excited. I would love to buy a copy of your book, to have it, because I mean it just sounds amazing, and to help you spread the word, because affirmations would have changed my life, if you know, if I knew about that when I was little, and so I love, love, love the work that you're doing, not just with kids but with partners, and helping people with activating their love life and finding their soul partner and there's soulmate. Excuse me, that's what I meant to say, but I wanted to work that back in, and one of the things I teach. I'm sorry, go ahead.
Speaker 2:I said it's the same thing. It's okay, it's the same thing soul partner.
Speaker 1:So you know yeah, perfect Is speaking things into existence right, and one of the ways that I teach entrepreneurs to do that is gratitude, and so something that I posted about recently was feeling gratitude for the things that you want. If you want more clients, you say, hey, you know what? I'm really grateful for my clients that I have right now.
Speaker 2:If you want a new computer.
Speaker 1:You're like I'm so grateful for the computer that I have right now and I think because being grateful and feeling gratitude is one of the keys to manifestation. When we're feeling gratitude we're in that space of attracting more to us. And so I think that we teach kind of, you know, along similar wavelengths with different audiences, obviously because you're more focused on love life. But I love how the fundamentals of principles of what you and I both teach are very similar and you know it starts with manifesting from a place of joy and gratitude.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, so true. I remember there's a wonderful book called Ask and it is given by Abraham Hicks, and I remember when it came kind of hot off the press and Louise brought this book to me. It's a rather thick book and she had earmarked one chapter and she goes this is the only chapter you need to read. I mean, it's a great book, but if you just this is the only chapter and I said really Okay, all right, so I opened it up and it was the chapter on gratitude, On, you know, masses amounts of gratitude. Just do.
Speaker 2:Gratitude and I believe that's so true, you know is having an open heart and allowing it to happen relationships, friendships, because you know our business if we say our business, you're on, you know, helping entrepreneurs, and I'm looking forward to working with you as well, Nicole. And yes, indeed. And so this idea of really being open and grateful creates the mojo, so to speak, creates the magic to make it happen and being present and giving. You know, they say, you know give first and then you get. And to give, not to get, but to really give with your heart.
Speaker 2:And I wanted to say something else too, about the idea of feeling, because you had mentioned, you know about feeling and with people and relationships, and I just wanna say that sometimes, oftentimes, when we feel sad or depressed or irritated you know, irritable and maybe lonely or sad Sometimes what happens is after we've had a conversation with somebody or have been in someone's presence or, you know, have had a gathering or whatever, and then we go home or we leave it and we don't feel very well. It's not because of us and our energy. Oftentimes it's because of the other people, and so we need to continually cleanse ourselves and protect ourselves, and part of it is the gratitude, it's really being intentional in who we talk to and what we receive in our lives.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. I love that yes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I wanted to share that because often you know people may feel badly about something when they've just had a conversation, but it's oftentimes somebody else, it's not us.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because just as we can affect the emotions in a room like we walk in, we can raise the temperature right. We're thermostats, we're not thermometers. We walk in. Some people can have that effect on us too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so it is so important and that's why we have to be intentional about practicing gratitude. That's one of my biggest things is practice gratitude. Taking five minutes, two minutes, yeah, because you know absolutely.
Speaker 2:I mean, you're right. You're right, I mean, and we can do it just in that moment we can be grateful for the breath in our lungs, that we're healthy, you know, for what we see, the beautiful things that we see, the flowers and to be thankful for the earth, that we are standing on solid ground or sitting in a solid chair. So the simple things are the important. They make a big difference, right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yes, and I live in Miami, so I'm consistently being grateful for my AC, because I know what it's like. But, yeah, it's the little things right that we have to learn. And you know what it's tough, because when we start practicing gratitude, it feels kind of silly. Well, of course I'm grateful for the AC, of course I'm grateful for the sun, but if we're not intentional about saying those things, it's just like oh, it's just a flower, it's just another day, it's just. And then that's where we go into those loops and so, yeah, I absolutely love that. So I want to come back to tell me a little bit more about the face readings.
Speaker 2:How does that?
Speaker 1:work. What is it that you see and how does that help? For example, if an entrepreneur comes to you for a face reading, you know how does that help them.
Speaker 2:Yes, so how that helps them is that they have a snapshot. They can see a snapshot of their face and the qualities and the leadership and the gifts that they have that they might not see when they look in the mirror or they might have forgotten. So, for instance, I would love to just do a live one right now with you, if you don't mind?
Speaker 1:just a couple seconds Okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you need to take off your glasses.
Speaker 1:I can't see you.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, that's okay, that's all right, but I can see you, so come in just a little bit closer. Yeah, beautiful face, look at you, nicole, all right. So the first thing that I see about you, nicole, is that you have tremendous confidence. Okay, it's in your eyebrows, yes, yes. So see there how your eyebrows are pretty thick and they go straight across, which means you're a no nonsense woman. You like to dot your eye, cross your T's like to make it happen. You're a go girl and you will make it happen because you've got a really, really powerful presence that frames your face.
Speaker 2:And so, with that, with that, you love the good things in life. I mean you're a really smart woman. You're very, very smart and you love the good things in life, meaning you love good food, you love to be around surrounded by a wonderful fabric clothing. I mean you just really love the good things in life. But also, you like to get to the point of things. You like to get to the point of things. It's like all right, come on, let's do it, let's do it and do it great.
Speaker 2:You have the ability to really refine things and make them even better than before, and you also have what we have called with Louise. They're titled these particular cheekbones that she has, which you have. They're called and I have them too. They're called bossy women cheekbones. They're otherwise known as leadership skills. Okay, so you're a leader, very much of a leader, and you have great purpose in your life.
Speaker 2:You are an affectionate woman, very affectionate woman. You can see that right there. It goes nice and deep and yeah, yeah, you're going to live a nice, long life and you can. You can. You have the ability to execute projects expertly and many projects, big projects, and you can. It's because of your teeth, so I think you have a couple of marks like little dots or something. I think you might have one on your nose right about right here. Yeah, yeah. So that just shows that you've got intuition and that you have the ability. In your 40s let's say about 48, 49, something special is going to be happening to you. I look forward to hearing what that is. It's all good and you have the face of a sage and a extraordinary entrepreneur, very successful, yeah, and I can, of course, tell you more, as if I could see you. You know really in detail, but you've got something just really super duper.
Speaker 1:That is awesome and that was really fast and you got a lot like that was really really cool. Yeah, and so was it true. Yes, yes. Yeah, yeah, I've been. I've been called bossy.
Speaker 1:You know when you were little, that's one of the things is like you're so bossy and it's not that we're bossy, it's like when that's undeveloped leadership skills is what it is. Yeah, because, yeah, and it's a good thing, but that's so funny because I was always so self conscious of my cheeks and I was kind of self conscious of being called bossy, so that's that's really interesting. Yes, yeah, and something else I heard you mention in the interview that I found very, very interesting and I know our time is coming up to an end here, but you mentioned something about how back pain is related to, like money issues, and so I wanted to just if you could touch based on that, because I think it'd be really interesting and people could call you, obviously for more info. But so, like the areas of our bodies that are related to something that's going on, can you just expand on that for one second there?
Speaker 2:Well, I can, I can note, I can, I can share what I know about the pain in the body, which is in Louise Hayes book you can heal your life. What she does is she identifies parts of the body and what is happening in it. Emotional, emotional connection with the pain in the body and in the lower back happens to be money issues and not being supported, and then what she has is an affirmation that goes along with it to to reinforce and to heal the body part. So that's what I think I was talking about is a book you can heal your life.
Speaker 1:That is amazing and I just that I found that so interesting and I just wanted to mention that. You know there is there was a huge correlation between my back pain and and money issues, and the more that I've strengthened my back, the more money I make, and there is a correlation between that. So, guys, I'm healing my back. So is my money situation. So I found that very, very, very interesting and definitely something worth exploring. So, melanie, any last minute tips? How can we get in touch with you? How can we follow you? How can we bask in your goodness?
Speaker 2:Oh, thank you, Nicole. Certainly you can reach me at Melanie Lococo dot com. That's my website. Also, if you wanted to email me, it's Melanie Lococo at gmailcom and on on Instagram and mostly those too and I want to offer your listeners a mini face reading If they contact me through my website, and then I will reach out to them and we can schedule a mini face reading. Maybe I'll tell them three wonderful things about them that I see on on their face. And if they'd like a soulmate activation process with me, which is a wonderfully beautiful, powerful, relaxing and rejuvenation process, you can reach me at my website and we can schedule soulmate activation. It takes about two hours.
Speaker 2:And we can do it on zoom, it's fine.
Speaker 1:Perfect. And what about social media? How can we follow you on social media?
Speaker 2:Social media. You can find me on Facebook and I think that's an Instagram About it right now.
Speaker 1:No, that's wonderful. Just make sure we give our listeners you know, however, they can follow you. I love following you on on Facebook. I know we're friends on Facebook.
Speaker 2:Yeah stop.
Speaker 1:I love seeing that, so it would be wonderful to have listeners to follow you as well, oh thank you, and also my book.
Speaker 2:I am light. I am right you can, you can find out on Amazon, yes, so that's a message.
Speaker 1:We'll make sure that the link to that is in the comments as well.
Speaker 2:Okay, awesome.
Speaker 1:So, thank you, melanie, this has been so wonderful. Thank you for the mini face reading, so like. Like she said, if you would like to get a face reading as well, very cool. Um, just to hear those things and kind of like just reassure and be like okay, so this is like in my face, like it's a map right.
Speaker 1:So that's wonderful and it helps you. It's going to be so helpful, like I'm going to sit down and really review what we talked about and see what I can do with that and just reinforce, like, the confidence, because what? One of the things that we really need to work on, especially as women, is our confidence. We don't give ourselves enough credit for the awesomeness that you know, for the awesome is that we are, and so having someone that can look at us and be like this is you for real, like this isn't. You know you're not an imposter, this isn't an accident.
Speaker 1:You're not here. You know this isn't a mistake and just having someone to guide you. I think that's just absolutely wonderful that you help people do that. So get in touch with Melanie for your soulmate activation, for your mini face reading. Follow her on social media. Go buy her book for your kids. If you're a teacher, get in touch with her. I'm sure she could do some kind of both discounts. So if you run some kind of organization and get this for the kids, make sure you get in touch with her and she's definitely going to help you out, because those books are absolutely amazing.
Speaker 1:So anything else, melanie, before we sign off.
Speaker 2:Just that. You're magnificent Nicole, and so are your listeners.
Speaker 1:Thank you. You're magnificent, Melanie, and you're so beautiful. Thank you so so much for being here. It's been wonderful and I look forward. We will be talking, I'll see you on social media and we'll be buying all your stuff, so thank you so much for being here. Thank you, bye.