Overcome Yourself - The Podcast
Nicole Tuxbury is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in mindset and business development. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs overcome themselves, build the online business of their dreams and have fun doing it! Nicole is an author and speaker, co-founder of a (bootstrapped) 6-figure e-commerce business, and entrepreneur coach/consultant. She has a free Facebook group for entrepreneurs who are ready to overcome themselves and have fun building their dream business and is the host of the Overcome Yourself. Nicole has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and overcoming herself. She was able to take the things about herself that she once saw as weaknesses- talking too much, depression, anxiety, a back injury, chronic nerve pain, being really bad at having a job (and more)- and use them to her advantage to build a business that now affords her freedom of time and money. Her experience and connections in sales, marketing, web development, writing, and most importantly, overcoming herself, make her an invaluable asset to entrepreneurs who are ready to take their business to the next level.
Overcome Yourself - The Podcast
From Chronic Pain to Holistic Healing: Andrea Bailey Tweed's Journey
What if a dream could change the course of your life and alleviate years of chronic pain? Join us for a powerful conversation with Andrea, a certified clinical aromatherapist, who shares her remarkable journey from enduring multiple surgeries and severe chronic pain to discovering the healing powers of essential oils. Inspired by what she believes was a vision from her deceased grandmother, Andrea's story is one of courage, spiritual insight, and the quest for holistic well-being. You'll hear about her struggles with traditional medicine and the transformative moment that led her to blend essential oils, significantly easing her pain and guiding her to help others as a professional aromatherapist. Our host Nicole also opens up about her own battles with chronic pain, making this an incredibly heartfelt and relatable episode.
In another compelling chapter, we shift gears to discuss the rigorous yet rewarding process of turning a research paper into a heartfelt book. Hear about the perseverance it took to write with a tiny Bluetooth keyboard on a phone and how the themes evolved from business to gratitude and success habits over five years of rigorous editing. Learn how personal experiences, like a familial connection to herbal remedies, can shape and redirect our paths in unexpected ways. The episode concludes with a heartfelt thank you to Andrea for her inspiring participation and a promise to continue bringing more empowering stories and valuable insights. Be sure to check the show notes for all the key information and stay tuned for more transformative content.
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Hello there, everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Overcome Yourself, the podcast. As you know, my name is Nicole and I'm so excited to be here today with okay, I didn't ask you how to pronounce it Andrea or Andrea, andrea, andrea, all right, perfect. Thank you so much, andrea. Hi, andrea, welcome. Tell us a little bit about you and who it is that you help in your business.
Speaker 2:I am a certified aromatherapist. I work as a clinical aromatherapist with private clients. Anyone can become my client and, with the grace of the internet, now we can work with people who are not even in the same state or city that I am in. I also sell products online and do whatever I can in speaking engagements or writing and publishing articles about health and well-being. I try to reach out and share the wonders and benefits of essential oils and how we can all take care of our health and well-being with very little investment and no side effects.
Speaker 1:Oh wonderful. So tell me a little bit about your background, right?
Speaker 2:Because the name of the show is Overcome Yourself. So I'd love to hear your story and how it is that you came to working as a communications high level professional with the US government. I went through multiple surgeries and treatments and diagnoses for what they still consider to be multiple musculoskeletal concerns spinal damage and I had many, many surgeries and in trying to explain that sometimes they weren't working, the medication was causing severe trauma to my body and fighting the health professionals to even get them to listen, because when you deal with specialists and surgeons and things, it's their protocol to do it certain ways, and what I have found and changed is it's not one way. It has to be the whole of the person and it has to be that individual person. Allopathic medicine people aren't being treated individually, they're being treated in mass, and pharmaceutical medicine can do its share of damage. So it did on me. I got to a point where I could not walk. I was sick. The medications were destroying my digestive system. The pain was beyond traumatic. It's something that people who experience pain and chronic pain will understand, even as I choke, how horrific it can be and it chases you when you feel. Well, it's like I don't know if I can survive going through that ever again, and so that led me to the point.
Speaker 2:After several years, it came down to just to plea with God. If this is all that's left in my life, then I really didn't want to be here. I had to fight to get up and to smile and to be halfway decent as a human being, and one night in deep prayer, and that's all I can say. I really had come to that moment and I went to bed and my deceased grandmother visited me in a dream and reminded me of how we had been raised on herbs and natural products. And in the vision, we walked into my kitchen and worked on a blend all night long. When the morning came, I woke up and my husband just looked at me as he was trying to prepare me for the day so he could go to work, and he said you, just you look different. What is it? So I told him about the dream or the vision I don't believe it was just a dream, but to make it easy for some people and so we talked and he told me that he wanted me to pursue that and I said well, you know, I don't know. Essential oils are expensive. I need books. I need to know what I'm doing and I began a journey really to heal myself.
Speaker 2:In doing so, I had to realize and the funny part about it I learned the things that I was learning as I was going Like it's not just physical health that goes bad, you know, your emotions are tied up into every part of your body. When one thing is off, you offset others. When you're depressed, when you are facing stress, you're causing other problems within the body. So I began by researching all the things that was wrong with me, all the things that you know. I went from being a healthy, very healthy, happy, energetic, athletic person to not being able to walk, and that was trauma. For anybody who knows that there is a way out, I will say that. So it took me a while.
Speaker 2:I ordered everything, I read enough to get myself started and made my first blend. I used it and kind of out of shock I don't know if I was expecting it to work or not, but when I realized that I was not in pain, I was so shocked that I had to do it again and keep a conscious knowledge, writing it down, of how long I was pain-free, what was happening, how I felt, what was going on. And after two or three times doing that, I was pretty convinced that I actually was feeling relief, and so I called some friends. One was a chiropractor, one was a massage therapist who had already been working on me with very little result. But we started working on an intense program that within months I was walking again.
Speaker 1:That's amazing.
Speaker 2:I was walking again, I was able to stand, I was able to start slowly building my strength back and within six months, I was mostly functioning as a normal person. There are still, many years later, some limitations and things that I can do, but from where I was to where I am, it's just amazing.
Speaker 1:That is amazing.
Speaker 1:Congratulations, because that is that's huge, you know, and I I faced some battles with pain myself. So when I was 21, I found out I had the back of an elderly person, a very beat up elderly person, as the doctor told me, right, and he said if you don't retire from restaurant work right now, you're going to be a wheelchair in less than five years. And in that, in that season, after I cried it out and you know, like why me, you know, you've kind of gone through all of you know the mourning, the faces of mourning, right. But then you know, and then you have to look at the situation and you, you're like OK, so I realize that I'm going to have to choose my heart Right, and any choice that I make right now is going to lead me down a hard road. But which one is the heart that I want to deal with, right? And so in my case, it was just keep doing what you're doing and destroy your back to the point that there's nothing else that can be done, and that's it, or do something about it now. And it's going to hurt, it's not going to be fun, it's going to be painful, it's going to be expensive, but figure out what needs to be done and it was all of those things right.
Speaker 1:Like I wrote my book, overcome yourself. It was over a week when I, literally I was stuck in bed. I couldn't, I couldn't even get myself to the bathroom, like I remember, like throwing myself out of the bed and, just like army, crawling myself all the way to the bathroom, crying all the way. You can't even like wipe yourself and like you don't know humble, you don't know humble you don't know humbling until you have to and be like I can't go to the bathroom, I need you to help, and it's it's.
Speaker 1:It tears you up inside, right, because it's nourishing a little bit every time.
Speaker 1:Yes, but it also makes you grateful for all of these things when you can do them, and for the people around you who supported you supported you right, and there's this gratitude, there's this joy and there's this, this mirror at this bottom, that we have to really look at ourselves right, and then we choose our heart and then we have to, we literally stand back up if we can, right, and there are things that we can do. So I commend you so much because sometimes people don't understand how exhausting pain is Right. Because even if you can't move from like your spot, like you can't physically walk around every move that you make, internally reaching over, like you don't even, you don't even realize how many muscles, how many things are involved, like when your neck hurts and you're like, oh my god, I can't even move my leg because I didn't realize that my neck is doing this action right and you can't sit and watch a television show with everybody, because every 10 minutes you have to readjust.
Speaker 2:I can't, I can't.
Speaker 1:There's certain places I can't go because I can't sit in readjust I can't, I can't. There's certain places I can't go because I can't sit in those chairs.
Speaker 2:Like, I can't sit in that chair for an hour, so I don't want to go there, um, and so you don't want to go to the park or outside with people who are trying to lift your spirits because you know in 30 minutes you're not going to be want to be there anymore and you don't want to blow their fun.
Speaker 1:And I need to get out.
Speaker 2:But guys, you don't understand how difficult it is for me to be able to get out, as you said, I'm going to need to go to the bathroom.
Speaker 2:I can't stand 30 minutes in line, nope. And for people who are listening, who are on that caregiving side, this portion is just as important as the person who was going through the pain, because when you are watching someone and you keep edging them, sometimes too far and they react in a negative way, it's because they would love to be able to do what you said. It's because they would love to be able to do what you said. They would love to be able to go out with you and they're fearful. So it it's both ways, because for the person who is experiencing this, when you are talking or dealing with husband, husband, wife, children, sisters okay, you are appreciative of them being there, it helps so much, but there is nothing that you can do to explain to them how horrible you feel. And then you feel the responsibility of also trying to help them understand and yet trying to push so that they don't feel bad and give up on you.
Speaker 2:It's, it's so much that we build up in our heads you know, and you're trying, and I remember with my, my chiropractor and massage therapist saying you know, there are days that I'm not going to want to do this because it really sometimes hurt more than just laying, still, you know. And so if I protest, if I give you some colorful metaphors, feel free to give them back to me and keep pushing, but don't give up on me, please. Please, don't give up on me. Keep pushing, but don't give up on me, please, please, don't give up on me. So, understanding that and having someone who has been there when you go through that, yeah, here's a kudos to you too.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, yes. Thank you to all our caregivers.
Speaker 2:It's hard to keep on going, and don't think anybody who's listening to this that we're talking about something that we did in a day or in a week, you know, or that we're actually not even still going through. We found ways and means to keep doing, but, as you said, when you know, when you have a musculoskeletal problem, it doesn't disappear.
Speaker 1:No, you have to maintain what you're doing all the time, but you keep pushing because you want to be here and you want to be here as healthy and functional as you can absolutely, and I think it's really important, like one of the foundations of my book, is practicing gratitude, because even in those moments we can look around and be like what do I have Right? Because I remember when I was stuck in that bed like I had hurt my back and you know, everybody goes to work and you're like all right, like when you're a little kid and you stay home because you're sick and you're watching like Wheel of Fortune and and you're watching the price is right and all those like daytime shows until the, you know, until the soap operas come on right. Um, oh, supermarket sweep remember they? They used to run around the supermarket with the cart, um, and I remember I was sitting there and I was like all right, I guess I'm just gonna watch some bad tv today, because, obviously, like I can't do anything and I was like wait a second, can't go to work, you can't like clean the house, like you're here, what can I do here? And I was like you know what I've always said I wanted to write a book, so what's stopping you? Now? You have literally nothing but time and, um, I set out to write my book and I started typing.
Speaker 1:I had a phone and I had a Bluetooth keyboard tiny, that I hooked up to it and so I was in bed. I probably started on my phone and then, you know, your hands get tired. So then I had a keyboard, because I didn't even have a computer to write it on thing. It wasn't even a book. I got my editor and she read it and she's like this is not a book, this is a research paper. So I'm going to need you to go back in.
Speaker 2:I wrote what I knew right, Because in school I even taught to write research.
Speaker 1:I've got all my research and I had the quotes and she's like but there's nothing about you and we need to hear from you. And so I rewrote the entire book and that that guy's been in editing for five years, like I. This week I'm going to be sending it out to beta readers. I'm so excited. But, um, five years of editing, because I took a chance when I couldn't do anything else and I was like I'm grateful that I I can still type Right and so I have ideas.
Speaker 1:And I sat there and and then you're like well, what am I going to write about? And as you're thinking, and I was like, what the question that I asked myself, what do I have authority? What do I have? 10,000 hours of experience. And I'm a big Malcolm Gladwell fan. And I was like, what do I have 10,000 hours of experience in? And I thought I was going to write about sales and about business, because I've been in sales my whole career, since I was a server Right, and it ended up not being about business at all. It ended up being about the foundations of business but not about the business things that I thought it ended up being about business at all. It ended up being about the foundations of business, but not about the business things that I thought it ended up being about gratitude, practicing success habits and discovering the superpower in your weakness, and I really think that you did that, thank you.
Speaker 1:Thank you and this podcast. I started to start marketing my book before it was even published, cause it was like I need to start talking about it. I want to start building up some excitement around it. I don't know when it's going to be published, cause I literally paid for editing twice, because the second time I submitted it it was a totally different book. Um and so now you know, this podcast is the book come to life, and I bring stories like yours. You know that it's not a fluke. This is not a mistake. You are not a mistake. You are seen, you are loved, you are heard, you are valued, and there is a seed of greatness in your story. Even when it sucks, there is a seed of greatness in your story even when it sucks.
Speaker 2:One of the things that I think at some point all of us realize as we're talking about our experiences is that if we had not had this experience, we wouldn't be where we were. I had a great career, I loved what I did, I loved the whole essence of everything OK, and was content to do that until retirement. Had this not happened, I would have never considered going back. Now I've used I've used oils my whole life. My grandmother was an Indian. Now I've used oils my whole life. My grandmother was an Indian. She taught us how to make you know pastes and poultry and use herbs for health and well-being.
Speaker 2:I never thought that I would rise to this capacity, but what I learned in that quest for self like you're saying, what's my, what's next? Yeah, this kind of fell in my lap and, as you said, I started with this one thing over here, and now I've got a whole basket full of things that we're working on. You know I look at your books in the background as we're speaking because you can't see mine. They're off to the side over here, you know.
Speaker 2:But in that we've become perpetual students again. We've not only learned how to readdress ourselves, the capacity within ourselves. So for me I'm saying, if I can do it, I know that you can, whoever you are. You know, it takes encouraging, it takes desire, it takes a whole lot of effort. And you said five years of editing, oh my goodness. But it's the endurance factor that actually makes that story a plus. You know, we it's not something that's going to happen overnight.
Speaker 1:No, no, no. And let me tell you that I mean I read the book now, like you know, cause I had to do the final edits, and like it blows me away. I'm like I'm so glad that I didn't rush this, because this book needed it, needed, you know, like a good stew, right, like you're making some like a stew, like you need to let it.
Speaker 2:Let it simmer, you've got to let it.
Speaker 1:You've got to let the flavors come together and really, and you know, and so write the book. I wrote the book fast. I don't have a problem with writing the book fast, right, because a lot of people are like, write it in a weekend, you can totally do that but you've got to spend time editing it and fleshing it out and making sure that it's saying what you want to say. And my editor warned me she's like, um, you know, like like good books and like books that deal with like spirituality, they're gonna get resistance. And boy did we get some resistance right. Um, and but, like you said, it's the perseverance is sticking to it and it's like it doesn't matter what happened.
Speaker 1:I didn't say if it doesn't get published by the end of the year, the book's not happening. No, like, that's my baby, and as long as it's gonna take to like come to fruition, then you know, whatever I've got to do, it's gonna come out right. And the more resistance I get, the the better. That I know that it is and I I'm like, yeah, the more you dig, the more you'll see.
Speaker 1:You know, because it's that good it's that the enemy's trying to stop it.
Speaker 2:You're going to see You're going to wish you had published me. Yes, yes.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:That's the thing People are looking for someone who can say yes, you can do it. They're looking for someone who can tell them it's hard. They don't want to hear that part. That's the last part that they want to hear. Is this hard but nothing that you're going to get that's worth, it is easy to me. I got my life back. Okay, it took years. You chose your heart.
Speaker 2:I am always in fear. If it starts thunderstorming and I start aching, I run to my oils Okay, I run to something that's going to elevate my mood and keep me from thinking about that. How can I help somebody else? And that there sounds like you know that foundation in your book. You started with the foundation, which is what everything is doing. What you did was open yourself up to the world so others could give you your input, so that you could go more specific and say this isn't just about me.
Speaker 2:This is hundreds, maybe thousands of people who have experienced who are telling you the situation is different and yet it's exactly the same. Doesn't matter how you got to where you got. What's next? What are you going to do, what are you going to do about it and how hard are you willing to fight for it In a book? I guess? I'm looking very forward to reading that book. Thank you so much, because life experience those are the best stories in the world. They really are. I did never think that I would be one of those life experiences, but for me and my business, as you're trying to put that book together for futures to read for while I'm here right now, if there's anything that I can do to help somebody feel better, overcome the challenge, sleep better at night, digest this, then I am willing to go to that level too. So kudos to you?
Speaker 1:Yes, that's amazing. So, as we're signing off here, what is like your biggest tip? Give us your final tip. What's like the biggest thing that you're? You tell your clients, you know the recurring thing, the one that always comes up.
Speaker 2:Not all days are going to be good days, but the fact that you're here means that you have another day to keep trying, you know? Uh, just just keep moving forward. No matter how small that step, just keep moving forward yes, I love it.
Speaker 1:Now, um, how can the audience, uh, keep in touch with you?
Speaker 2:I am a person who still likes direct contact, so first off, say call me. My business number is 614-670-2108. I have a website, earthsownessentialscom. That's earthliketheglobeownessentialscom. I'm on Facebook and Instagram under Earth's Own Essentials. But if you call me, no matter where you are, and you want someone to support your wellness, then, following that, I talk, get information from you, send an intake form about your medical conditions, any medications you may take, because, as a certified aromatherapist, we have to make sure that oils don't contraindicate with medications. That's key. Other than that, we talk about the whole of you. What's going on in your head? What's your home life like? Do you have children? Do you have pets? Things that are going on internally that can also be supported with essential oils.
Speaker 1:Awesome, wonderful. So that all of that information is going to be down below in the show notes as well, so you don't miss out on that wherever you're watching. Maybe it's in the comments, you know the description, whatever it's called. It'll be down there wherever it is, I'm not sure.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:Wherever you see it. But thank you so much for being here with us today. It has been absolutely amazing hosting you, and thank you, guys, for joining us for another amazing episode of overcome yourself, the podcast. We'll see you next time. Bye, thank you.