Overcome Yourself - The Podcast
Nicole Tuxbury is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in mindset and business development. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs overcome themselves, build the online business of their dreams and have fun doing it! Nicole is an author and speaker, co-founder of a (bootstrapped) 6-figure e-commerce business, and entrepreneur coach/consultant. She has a free Facebook group for entrepreneurs who are ready to overcome themselves and have fun building their dream business and is the host of the Overcome Yourself. Nicole has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and overcoming herself. She was able to take the things about herself that she once saw as weaknesses- talking too much, depression, anxiety, a back injury, chronic nerve pain, being really bad at having a job (and more)- and use them to her advantage to build a business that now affords her freedom of time and money. Her experience and connections in sales, marketing, web development, writing, and most importantly, overcoming herself, make her an invaluable asset to entrepreneurs who are ready to take their business to the next level.
Overcome Yourself - The Podcast
Behind the Podcast: Summer Camp, Success Summits, and Starting Your Own Show
Ever wondered how easy it is to start your own podcast? Join me, Nicole, as I pull back the curtain on all the exciting developments happening behind the scenes since our last solo chat. With 76 episodes already out, there's a treasure trove of expert advice just waiting for you. Today, I reveal the magic of our podcast summer camp, where I'm guiding eight inspiring individuals to kickstart their own shows. Plus, I’m thrilled to announce a forthcoming course that breaks down all the essential steps to get your podcast off the ground.
But that's not all! I've been hitting the open mic circuit, sharing personal stories that resonate and inspire. We’ve also had three incredibly successful summits, including the Profit Machine Summit and two editions of the Stop Writing Start Selling Summit with Brenda Adelman. These events showcased top-tier experts and actionable content designed to help you grow your business. So grab your notepad, get ready to take action, and stay connected through our free Facebook group for the latest updates on future events and opportunities to elevate your life and business.
Unlock the secrets to online business success with these FREE and low-cost resources from Nicole!
-Join our supportive FB Group to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and get exclusive tips and advice: https://nicoletuxbury.com/facebook
-Get your copy of the Best of the Profit Machine Summit Book shipped to you to learn from 15+ experts on how to turn your online business into a Profit Machine for only $13! https://nicoletuxbury.com/profit-machine-summit-e-book/
- Get instant access to the Coaches Guide To Print on Demand Video Course + Spreadsheet for only $17: https://nicoletuxbury.com/product/coaches-guide-to-pod-with-resource-file/
Explore these amazing resources and start your journey to success today!
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Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new episode of Overcome Yourself, the podcast. As you guys know, my name is Nicole and I'm so excited to be back here with you guys for our first solo episode in a while, and so today we're going to be doing quick recap what's been going on behind the scenes, because we've got a lot and we've got a bunch of amazing guests. We've got like 76 episodes so far. So if you haven't already, make sure you go over there and binge out on all those episodes, start listening to them, because there is so much gold, so many experts that I've interviewed over the last few years, and so make sure you go and check that out. That's all free for you guys to listen to, to take notes and implement. Implement what you're learning on the episodes, and so welcome back.
Speaker 1:So what has been going on since my last solo episode? The last solo episode was several years ago, actually, and it was just when I podcast had been getting started. And now, right now, as I'm recording this, we're actually hosting podcast summer camp, and so there's eight amazing souls in a group with us and we are setting up brand new shows for them and I'm showing them just how easy podcasting can be and you can start your own podcast too. So be on the lookout for that as a course coming out in the next few weeks or the next few months, as we take the most important lessons that we learn in creating the podcast and I can bring them to you so that you can do it too. And if you do want to start your own podcast, don't forget, you can use Buzzsprout. That's where I host my podcast and you can get more information through my affiliate link, nicoletexburycom slash podcast, and there's going to be an affiliate link somewhere. Sorry, that's not the affiliate link, it's NicoleTexburycom slash Buzzsprout. So you can check out all the information on Buzzsprout and then it'll be somewhere down in the show notes. If you're listening to this on a podcast player, yeah, yeah, somewhere down there, there it'll be all right, um.
Speaker 1:So what's been going on? Since the last time I've done a solo episode? So much? I've done a bunch of open mics where I have been sharing my stories. I put together a five minute um story as well as a 12 minute story and I've been speaking on open stages, on open mics, on the stage. Since then, I've also hosted three summits so far. I'm so excited. We're gearing up for the next one, so be on the lookout for the free tickets to the next summit.
Speaker 1:But we've hosted the Profit Machine Summit. That was the first one that I did and it featured many of the speakers that I've had on this podcast, at least in the beginning, and it's absolutely amazing. So, in addition to the free information that you can hear from them on this podcast, check out the episodes. Probably down below or at NicoleTuxburycom slash podcast. They dive deeper into what they are teaching and you can get a free gift from them during those summits and if you upgraded to VIP, you still have access to all of those replays as well as the bonuses from the speakers. So be on the lookout for the next summit. And the next summit that we did. I teamed up with the amazing Brenda Edelman and we put together the Stop Writing Start Selling Summit 1.0 and 2.0. And both of those are available somewhere. Go to stopwritingstartsellingcom if you want to check out the latest information. Maybe there'll be another live summit. I have absolutely no idea at this moment, but you can stay up to date with the latest information at stopwritingstartsellingcom, and there's also a free Facebook group that we have where we'll be posting any information, and so those have been absolutely amazing.
Speaker 1:I love connecting with entrepreneurs, with experts in their fields, and bringing you guys actionable, workshop style information that you can implement and make moves in your business, things that are actually going to help you to get more clients, to help more people and to make more money. Right, because, as a consultant, as a coach, as a mindset coach I guess, strategist, that is what I want to help you guys do right Is make more money and so you can enjoy life more and go have fun, um, and not be stuck doing the tech things, doing the business things. Um, just let you focus on what you do best. So, um, since then, I've also been featured. Since the last um, since the last time that I did a solo episode. I was also featured in BuzzFeed twice.
Speaker 1:This podcast was featured as a must listen to podcast for leading a better life. I don't know the exact title. That's why I'm saying it with like a question at the end title. That's why I'm saying it was like a question at the end. And then I was also named in the top five most inspirational women to follow 2024. So be sure to go check those out somewhere on my profile. I'll make sure to link those down below. If you're listening to this, you can check it out in the show notes or in the comments down below. So yeah, but that's been really, really exciting, in addition to going to PodFest last year and I submitted my form to be selected as a speaker. So we haven't heard back yet, but I will let you guys know as soon as I find out if I'm gonna be speaking at PodFest next year. It's gonna be in Orlando and it's gonna be in January, so keep an eye out for that. If you have or would like to have a podcast. Podcast is amazing and I'll bring you more information and if I get an affiliate link, I will share that with you guys as well.
Speaker 1:Um, cool, um, I also studied and took my test and I became a meta certified um community manager, and so that was kind of exciting. So we did that back in June, and so I got to add that to my resume as well, and it was just edifying what I already do for my clients, right, helping you guys manage your content, helping you analyze those numbers, revive communities, make more money with your businesses. And so I got to take that test and I passed, and then if there was a special program, a meta program that allowed me that, they gave me a voucher so I was able to take the test for free, because you can totally study for any of these tests for free, but you do have to pay to take the test. And so if I see them running another promotion like that, let me know down below, make sure you subscribe to my email newsletter, follow me on social media and let me know if that's something that's interesting to you and I will keep you updated. On the next time. If they run another promotion like that, another voucher program, and so you can take your test, let me know. And if you want to take your test anyway, um, hit me up and I can show you how you can do that. You can actually Google it. I'm getting meta certified Um and you can check out those courses and, like I said, the courses are absolutely free and you just have to take pay to take the test um, to get certified Um and yeah, and so that was really fun and it was really cool, and I get to add that to my resume now and just provide my clients, you guys, with even more support and just know that it is, um, legit, I guess, right, cool and I don't know.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of other stuff that's going on behind the scenes. I'm going to be sending out my book finally to beta readers coming up sometime, hopefully by the time this airs. It's already been sent out, but be on the lookout, because that means the book is going to be coming out, hopefully by the end of this year. I'm really excited and I would love to do a end of year, beginning of year push with my book. I think it's just absolutely perfect and so hopefully the stars align and that's what we get done.
Speaker 1:Um, I'm going to be recording a lot more of these solo podcast episodes. The good news for you is that they're not all going to be about me. I just wanted to give you guys a quick recap of a few of the things that we've gotten done over the last few years, since the last time that I did a solo episode, and I'm more excited. I'm very excited to bring you more episodes, so stay tuned and we'll talk soon. Make sure you check down below for all of the resources I mentioned. A lot of the stuff that I have available for you guys is free and if you want the latest information on the summit. Be sure to follow me on social media. Subscribe to my newsletter so that you can get first access to like the free tickets or low cost tickets to my upcoming events and so that you know what offers are available to help you move the needle in your business. So I will see you guys soon.
Speaker 1:Oh, I'm holding these books as a matter of fact, so from the summit. Another way that you can take in all this amazing information is from the summit. I actually created a book, and so this is the Profit Machine Summit in a book and you can order this. You can order the PDF version, get instant access to it and you can start reading and implementing the lessons, or you can order a physical copy. Obviously, they're going to print it and they're going to mail it to you, so it's not going to be instant access, but from that workbook.
Speaker 1:If you want some help implementing the lessons, then you've got the Profit Machine Summit workbook also available just as a PDF or as a printed copy. It has lessons and it has lines so that you can really implement. You can read through what these experts are talking about. As you can see, I highlight every expert that was in the summit that you're going to be reading from in the book, and then you have all of these amazing lines within the chapters. If you're hearing this as the podcast, obviously you can't see what I'm doing, but you have amazing lines to go through and fill out like work through the questions, work through the lessons that they're teaching and, like I said, really implement these lessons into your business. And so those are available as well. Yeah, and so 13 journals on Amazon book workbook, and I've got Overcome Yourself coming out soon, all right, so now, that is all. Thank you, guys, for sticking around, super excited. I'll see you on the next episode. Bye.