Overcome Yourself - The Podcast
Nicole Tuxbury is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in mindset and business development. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs overcome themselves, build the online business of their dreams and have fun doing it! Nicole is an author and speaker, co-founder of a (bootstrapped) 6-figure e-commerce business, and entrepreneur coach/consultant. She has a free Facebook group for entrepreneurs who are ready to overcome themselves and have fun building their dream business and is the host of the Overcome Yourself. Nicole has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and overcoming herself. She was able to take the things about herself that she once saw as weaknesses- talking too much, depression, anxiety, a back injury, chronic nerve pain, being really bad at having a job (and more)- and use them to her advantage to build a business that now affords her freedom of time and money. Her experience and connections in sales, marketing, web development, writing, and most importantly, overcoming herself, make her an invaluable asset to entrepreneurs who are ready to take their business to the next level.
Overcome Yourself - The Podcast
Unlocking Success: Transformative Books and Practical Tips for Confidence and Growth
Ever wonder how you can elevate your business and personal growth without spending a fortune on high-profile coaches? Today, I'm revealing how books can be your secret weapon to success. Learn about "The Confidence Code," a transformative read that delves into the science of confidence and imposter syndrome, especially for women. Discover how this book can reassure you that you’re not alone as you navigate new heights in leadership and success.
But that's not all. For those deeper into their entrepreneurial journey, "The Joy of Success" by Susan Ford Collins will captivate you with next-level insights. Plus, I share my personal journaling practices that have been pivotal in maintaining a positive mindset. From my gratitude journals available on Amazon to practical tips you can start today, this episode is packed with actionable advice to help you overcome self-doubt and reach new milestones in your business journey. Don't miss these invaluable recommendations and tips!
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-Join our supportive FB Group to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and get exclusive tips and advice: https://nicoletuxbury.com/facebook
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- Get instant access to the Coaches Guide To Print on Demand Video Course + Spreadsheet for only $17: https://nicoletuxbury.com/product/coaches-guide-to-pod-with-resource-file/
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Hello there, everyone. Welcome back to a new episode of Overcome Yourself, the podcast. As you know, my name is Nicole, super excited to be back here with you guys today, and I wanted to go over something that people have been asking me about. I don't know if you can tell. Behind me is my library, and I had a few meetings this week and everybody was like, oh my God, you have such a huge library and so, yes, I'm a big reader, I love reading.
Nicole Tuxbury:One of the things I talk about in my book is about how reading is one of those ways that you can spend time with your coaches, your mentors, the you know, the people you look up to is by reading books, right, and you get to hang out with them, you get to share in their stories, you get to see the lessons that they're teaching, and so I think that books are super powerful, especially when a lot of coaches are like seven figures, six figures expensive, five figures expensive, and you're like I'm really not there, but you can still learn from them, right, and so books are absolutely amazing. I love them, and I wanted to share some of my favorites, the ones that I know have made a huge impact on me, my mindset and my business All right. So, first and foremost, I want to talk to you guys about the confidence code. I have a few books here. That one I don't know where it is. I looked for it. I didn't see it back here. I'm sure it's sitting right in front of me and I don't see it.
Nicole Tuxbury:But the confidence code such a huge lesson Learning about, like, scientifically analyzing, quantifying what is confidence, how does it come from? Like, where does it come from? They look at imposter syndrome and they help you see that you're not the only one struggling with imposter syndrome women. I talk about this all the time when I'm in interviews um, women, um, they don't need more competence, like, we're already super competent, we just need to step into that confidence. And so that book really helped me to see women at different levels of success that are still dealing with the same things that I'm dealing with. That you're probably dealing with too, as we step into these new levels of our businesses, into levels of leaders. Right, because as we grow our businesses, as we grow our impact, as we're sharing more of our story, being more vulnerable, sharing more, posting more online, that comes with its own set of new things, right, and so stepping into that new level of ourselves that can really handle everything that those new levels are going to bring right. And so the confidence code huge, loved it really. High on my list.
Nicole Tuxbury:Another one that was kind of really interesting not what I expected at all the Joy of Success. So this one was really good. Susan Ford Collins You're going to have to read it, but it was. It was really just eye-opening and it talks about some next level stuff. Okay, so this is not for the beginner in the journey. If you are deeper into the entrepreneurial journey, the joy of success is going to be great for you.
Nicole Tuxbury:Another something that's super helpful for me and these are actually mine. I'm going to go ahead and mention myself here. I have a bunch of journals that are available on Amazon and I love journaling. I do gratitude right, so you guys know that my thing is gratitude. So I've designed all kinds of journals. Some of them have prompts, some of them are just lined. So this is just a line journal. It just has lines so that you can write your own thoughts whatever it is that you want. But I also have some that are available that are guided gratitude and they have prompts and things that you can fill out, and so journaling has been a huge part of my journey. You guys know I always talk about writing down three things that you're grateful for every morning, and so I have journals on Amazon to help you do that. Obviously, you don't have to get these. I started off, like you know, 17 cent notebooks and just write down three things, put a line and the next day go below it. But I didn't know. If, you know, guys knew that those were available. Now you do. Okay.
Nicole Tuxbury:Another one that was not at all what I was expecting it to be and is absolutely fantastic. So far as you can see, I've got my pen because I'm still reading it, but Happy Pocket Full of Money totally already has changed my view on money. I thought it was going to be not about what. It is Okay. So if you're into like quantum physics and learning more about that, this is what, so far, this book is about, and it is absolutely phenomenal. So if you are working on your money mindset, happy Pocket Full of Money cannot recommend it enough. I'm going to mention another one that was written by me, of course, and that is the Profit Machine Summit in a Book, and so I took all of the lessons absolutely incredible from the guests that we had speaking at the profit machine summit and everyone in here got their own chapter, uh, from the presentations and you're gonna see, you know whose information it is and stuff, but, um, all the most important lessons broken down how can you implement them in your life, in your business. And, of course, I also included a few additional bonus mindset chapters in addition to the guest experts. So we have a whole section of guest experts, but the whole beginning is mindset stuff that I've written for you. And so another amazing resource this one's going to be available down below in the show notes.
Nicole Tuxbury:Another incredible book for my business One moment, I don't know where it is off the top of my head. Hold on, I got it. Nope, all right. Another favorite this one high level business as well Traction Really really great, really really great book. It is business heavy. So this is not more mindset stuff, this is more business stuff. And another one, if you're like into next level business as well Good to Great. I don't know why this has this. It's not supposed to, but Good to Great is another phenomenal business book. Um, again, these are not more mindset. The first ones that I talked about. The other ones are definitely more business heavy. Um, and let's go back. We'll wrap it up with mindset. I've got one more, and the majority of these books that I've got behind me are non-.
Nicole Tuxbury:I'm a nonfiction book reading person, but there are a few I've got like one shelf of fiction, but one that does not get put with the other fiction books, because I love it so much and I think it's so relevant even though it is fiction is the Alchemist, Paolo Coelho. This is one of those books that you're going to want to read over and over in every season. This is one of those books that you're going to want to read over and over in every season. It's going to open up new levels in this book. So as you get older and wiser and you read this again the first time I read this was actually in middle school. Shout out to our I think it was in our resources class, and I've read it like, I guess, once a decade since then, and every time it just opens up your eyes in a whole new way. You relate to different characters, you see things that you just didn't have the capacity, the knowledge, the understanding to see before, and so I highly highly recommend the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and so those are some of my biggest recommendations.
Nicole Tuxbury:I think those are the ones that I talk about the most when I am doing interviews. I didn't mention some of the bigger ones, anything by Malcolm Gladwell obviously there is a new tipping point. I don't know if it's updated, I haven't done all the research, but I know he's got a new something about the tipping point coming out in October. I haven't done all the research, but I know he's got a new something about the tipping point coming out in October. I can do a whole lesson about marketing that. I saw it in June and the book's not coming out till October.
Nicole Tuxbury:So market your stuff, guys. Like, it's not too early. You can start getting pre-orders for your stuff a few months before you release it. But I digress, malcolm gladwell, you guys know all over my book. Um, anything by bernie brown, pretty much. If you haven't checked out her special on netflix, do so.
Nicole Tuxbury:Um, and yeah, I guess those are the ones that I want to mention right now. Those are the ones that came to my brain. Um, barbara cochran, use what you've got. Love that one. Um, yeah, those are the main ones I think that I quote and stuff. Um, I highly recommend, if you're a woman and you're dealing with um confidence issues, go get that confidence code. Start there, um, and then order the alchemist this one's fun, um, and you can read it all the time in between all the other books.
Nicole Tuxbury:Um, all right, and that's it for this episode of overcome yourself, the podcast. Thank you guys for being here with me. I hope you enjoyed that and let me know if you read those books. If you've read those books, let me know down below, um, which one of those is your favorite and if you have another book recommendation atomic habits another great one, um, leave them now. Let me know in the comments. Um, follow me on social media, respond to my emails whatever you prefer, but just let me know, hey, these are some of my favorite books. I'd love your recommendations and I do um like questions all the time on my profile and I'm like hey, do you guys have any good book recommendations? So follow me, follow me on Facebook and answer my questions if you have any book recommendations. All right, we'll talk to you soon. Thanks again for being here and I'll see you on the next episode of Overcome Yourself, the podcast. Bye.