Overcome Yourself - The Podcast
Nicole Tuxbury is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in mindset and business development. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs overcome themselves, build the online business of their dreams and have fun doing it! Nicole is an author and speaker, co-founder of a (bootstrapped) 6-figure e-commerce business, and entrepreneur coach/consultant. She has a free Facebook group for entrepreneurs who are ready to overcome themselves and have fun building their dream business and is the host of the Overcome Yourself. Nicole has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and overcoming herself. She was able to take the things about herself that she once saw as weaknesses- talking too much, depression, anxiety, a back injury, chronic nerve pain, being really bad at having a job (and more)- and use them to her advantage to build a business that now affords her freedom of time and money. Her experience and connections in sales, marketing, web development, writing, and most importantly, overcoming herself, make her an invaluable asset to entrepreneurs who are ready to take their business to the next level.
Overcome Yourself - The Podcast
Mastering LinkedIn with Helen Tudor: Simplified Strategies for Lead Generation and Authentic Engagement
Unlock the secrets to a simplified, yet powerful, LinkedIn lead generation strategy with Helen, our expert guest who has mastered the art of online engagement. You'll learn how to transform your LinkedIn profile into a 24/7 sales machine by focusing on client outcomes and clear communication, rather than self-promotion. Helen walks us through her straightforward daily routine: expand your network, engage meaningfully, and share valuable content. Her practical approach to connecting with 10 to 15 potential clients daily—without personalized notes—promises a high acceptance rate and attracts quality leads, making LinkedIn work for you without the time drain.
Experience a remarkable journey of resilience and innovation as we share the inspiring story of a woman who turned adversity into opportunity during the 2008-2009 recession. By shifting her career from reflexology to social media marketing, she leveraged LinkedIn to build a successful agency, illustrating the transformative power of authenticity and consistent engagement. We also explore the vibrant world of hosting a five-day LinkedIn challenge, where merging spirituality with strategy helps attract ideal clients. Discover how to connect with your Ideal Client Avatar on an energetic level, fostering genuine relationships and avoiding toxic engagements. Join us as we delve into the magic of aligning your professional journey with your personal values and vision.
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Hello there and welcome back to the next episode of the Overcome Yourself podcast. As you know, my name is Nicole and I am so excited to be here today with Helen, and Helen is going to be talking to us about LinkedIn. She's going to be talking to us about her five-day challenges. She's got so much gold, so I'm just going to let her take it away and tell us a little bit about yourself, helen, and what you do with your clients.
Speaker 2:Oh, thank you, Nicole. Thank you so much for having me, by the way. So I am, yes, most famous, I guess, for helping entrepreneurs get leads from LinkedIn, but without sending any DMs and without spending all day on there. So my strategy is all very much about what's the maximum return we can get from this platform with the minimum effort. Really, I'm talking, you know, three things to do every day growing your audience, engaging with your audience and putting out content for your audience.
Speaker 2:So, nice, simple, three things a day strategy. And that means that the thousands so I've worked with thousands, hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs now. So I've been doing this for nearly a decade, nicole, um, and I think that's what people want. They want it to keep it nice and simple, and when I first started teaching linkedin 10 years ago now I couldn't believe how complicated everyone else seemed to make it, because I'd always used it really simply just gone in, done my three things a day, got out and was getting leads on there all the time. So I think my way is not the only way to get leads from LinkedIn.
Speaker 1:Put the dog in my way is not the only way to get leads from LinkedIn.
Speaker 2:However, I do think it is the simplest way, without sending loads of DMs. That's just going to make you feel a certain kind of way and also upsets a lot of people as well.
Speaker 1:You feel a certain kind of way and also upsets a lot of people as well. No, you're fine, that is amazing. So tell me a little bit more, like, talk to me about um, talk to me about linkedin, like, tell me a little bit more about your super simple framework.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so for me, linkedin is like a gift from God for an entrepreneur really. It's just this huge searchable platform full of people with money, who have jobs, who are usually looking for some kind of transformation, who are probably sat there in their jobs thinking is this, it, is this my life now and I've got money to spend. They're used to solving problems with money and they just tend to be like either professionals or entrepreneurs themselves. I mean, you know, homeless, jobless people don't tend to hang out on LinkedIn particularly, so it's sort of it's almost like if you talk about you want, you don't just want any clients, right, you want great clients, and I always think that's where the great people hang out. It's where the grownups are. So for me it's like a no brainer that you would sell your products and service on there. But I think the difference in my stuff and the other stuff that I've seen, of which I don't really pay much attention to but is that I make LinkedIn all about your ideal client, not about you. And I think LinkedIn has traditionally been used as a kind of you know, a platform for you to showcase how great you are, you know, because originally it was out for recruitment, whereas I use it to to use the headline and profile, particularly the headline and the profile about section, to really talk to your ideal client about who they are, how they're feeling, what outcomes they want to achieve and then, and only then, positioning you as the person to solve their problems and being really clear and really transparent about your offers and your pricing, so that you're not wasting time with people who don't want what you offer or can't afford you. So my mantra is always ultimate transparency and honesty. So, just being really clear, you know this is who I'm for. This is what outcomes I deliver. This is why you should choose me and this is how much it's going to cost you.
Speaker 2:Basically, and once you've got that set up on your profile, it's all about how can we get as many people as possible to look at this profile, because it's going to be doing the sales for you 24 seven. It's like a 24 seven sales machine for your business. So then your job is to drive as much traffic as possible the right traffic, but as much traffic as possible to that profile. So that's where the three things comes in. So adding, once you've got your headline and profile written for your ideal client and it's really clear what you do and why you do it, and you know. You've got video on there of you talking to camera about you know who you are and how you can help people. You've got social proof and testimonials on there. You've got maybe a lead magnet or some other kind of call to action on there as well.
Speaker 2:So once you've got it set up, then it's just a daily activity. It's about growing your audience every day. So asking, asking to connect with 10 to 15 people a day, so nothing massive, just going in, searching for the right types of people, asking them to connect, not sending a personal note, just asking them to connect, um, and you'll probably get I don't know 30 to 40 to 50 acceptance rate. So you think about business and marketing in general, like that's good, you're getting, you know five to ten people looking at this profile that you've written just for them, you know. So that is like just a machine for your business, that just that bit which takes literally I don't know five minutes, ten minutes, not even that four minutes, I don't know, not very long at all.
Speaker 2:It's just running a search, then going down and pressing the buttons and if you don't know exactly who you're looking for just look for people with good jobs who've got loads of money because they're going to be much better clients, right?
Speaker 2:So high earners in your area or high earners in a certain part of the world, then the next thing it's like so, if you're growing your audience every day, it's like what, what do? How can we engage with them? So just doing 10 to 15 comments a day on other people's posts, not talking about yourself, not talking about your business, because your headline does that for you, because that follows you around everywhere on LinkedIn, unlike the other platforms where people have to follow the breadcrumbs back, you know to go to your profile, look at your. You know your sort of couple of lines that you're allowed on Facebook and Instagram. With LinkedIn, that bit, that elevator pitch, if you like, follows you around everywhere. So 10 to 15 comments a day on posts that you see in your feed. You don't have to be particularly ideal clients, but just so that more people are going to see your headline these talks about, we should say, you know helping your ideal client, achieve the outcomes by how you do the thing that you do and then how much you're going to charge.
Speaker 2:So you want to be 10 to 15 comments a day means that I don't know could range from anything from 10 to a thousand to a hundred thousand people, depending on you, know where your comments land, who are going to see that headline and if it's of interest to them, they'll click on it. So this is driving people to your profile, who is almost like a micro expression of interest that they are even clicking on it. Because if you know, if you help life coaches get more clients using Facebook or whatever you do, then if you're not a life coach and you don't want more clients and you don't care about Facebook, then you're probably not going to click on it. So these clicks are really powerful. They're like these micro expressions. So adding comments every day, you just keep it simple, keep it vanilla. You don't want to look like ai, but you're also not writing a big long essay. You're not talking about your, your business, you're just supporting what they're putting out there. Takes you what? 10 minutes?
Speaker 1:10 minutes. This is a master class. This is not a podcast episode.
Speaker 2:This is amazing and then, just finally, the other thing is to put out posts every day for your ideal client, which we put out anyway on facebook and other places. So whatever you're doing elsewhere, we can do all of that on linkedin, so you can write posts about who you are and what you do business and personal at all. You can put out social proof and testimonials. You can do video on there they've got a live, they've got a short video feed now, like a, you know, like tiktok style micro videos which are really taking off over there, and then put your offers out, put your sales posts out. So that is, that is literally it. That is my strategy in. You know, six minutes and it should take you no longer than 30 minutes to do absolute master class, like you just gave it all away.
Speaker 1:I think that, really, one of the most important things that you address in like this really short explanation that you've given us is a part of the puzzle that's missing in a lot of these other frameworks, and that's traffic. Right, because you're putting out all these offers, but if you don't have traffic, who's going to see it? You know Exactly.
Speaker 2:You just found it in the void like exactly yeah growth is the important piece the growth, then the engagement, then the content and the selling. It's sort of in that order. But when we do all three at once, we're kind of like quantum leaping this, and I think a lot of people think they're growing their audience by putting out content, but they're not. They're adding value and they're engaging with their audience, but they're not actually getting new eyes. And if you think I've been in marketing for 25 years and that's all that marketing is, how can I get in front of new people today? So for me, linkedin is the easiest way to do that. My daughter she's 19 now when she was 17, she started her own agency just doing the growth for people. So she logs in. She adds you can do 115 people a week, so she logs in. She does 115 people a week, she logs out and that's it. And that alone is getting people leads, getting people clients. And you know her agency's gone, absolutely mad. She's. She's great. She's got about 30 40 clients now. So she's doing great.
Speaker 2:But it's because the stuff that I teach is easy to do. It's also easy not to do so. But the growth is the important bit, it's the traffic, it's the, and what I love about LinkedIn is it lets you see the growth in your traffic, because the profile views is one of the metrics that shows on your profile. So every time you log in you can see how many profile views you've had and you can see that number going up. So you can compete against yourself not about other people, but compete against yourself and make sure that when you do the things I tell you to do, you'll see your profile go up. So you get that pause and effect, which is quite rewarding, even though it takes a while to get leads on LinkedIn, because people need to build trust and get to know you as they should before they buy from you. So it's a longer game. Consistency always wins, but you can see those profile views going up really quick.
Speaker 1:That's amazing. I love that you can see the payoff right, because, like you said a lot of times with the other social medias, you don't see what's going on, and so it's kind of demoralizing when you're like I don't see likes, I don't see comments, but people are looking right, right like. When someone takes the time to read your post, that's a yes. When someone takes the time to click on your picture and look at that profile, that's another yes. If they read through the profile, another yes. So those are the yeses that you're getting along the way, um, so yeah, those are super valuable. But I want to back it up a little bit. Helen, can you tell us a little bit about your journey and how you overcame yourself to get to this point? Because everything you've told us is amazing.
Speaker 2:I know right for sure it's all been a complete surprise to me.
Speaker 2:I didn't have an entrepreneurial bone in my body. Really. I, you know, I just wanted to get married and have children, and that's what I did. So I spent my whole of my 20s being married and having children and and then we went into a big recession in the UK 2008 and and 2009. And by 2010, I found myself single. My husband's building business had gone, you know, to the wall. Like a lot of others, I was in a lot of personal debt. We had like a credit crisis as well, where there was a lot of like borrowing against things that didn't really exist, and anyway, so it was a mess.
Speaker 2:I won't swear, but it was a mess. But I just found myself in a situation where I was like 90,000 pounds in personal debt and no idea how I was going to get out of it. And I knew that I couldn't get a job to get out of it because I've never really had a decent job, because I've had my children very young and I'd only you know, I didn't have a degree or anything. So I just thought I thought how can I go and and get clients for my reflexology business? So when I had a reflexology business, I used to work with mums and people trying to have babies.
Speaker 2:I was using social media to get clients, if that makes sense for that business. I was using Facebook and Twitter and when I was single, I needed a way to do something that didn't involve going around and rubbing people's feet up for cash, right, I needed to do something that didn't involve me getting in the car and going because I had these two little girls at home. So I thought, well, I really love the social media side of stuff, but how am I going to get clients for that when all the people I hang around with on Facebook and Twitter are all?
Speaker 1:people like me.
Speaker 2:I was thinking, I need clients so I can do for them what I do for myself. So I opened up my laptop and I found LinkedIn, because I was looking for networking and I thought, well, this is weird. It's like an online business networking site. So I just set up my. I thought, if I can get 10 clients off here and do their social media for them, then happy days. So I set up my first ever LinkedIn profile, not knowing how to use it. I've never had any training on LinkedIn, I've never been to a LinkedIn workshop, I've never read a book on it. I just opened it up and I thought, right, if I can set this up a bit like a website and then I can get traffic to it, then great. So I set up my headline and profile.
Speaker 2:I think it was something like helping small business owners in Warrington, which is a small town where I live and you know, sell more and look better online using facebook and twitter. Um, and then I wrote a profile that talked to that person. You know, are you a small business owner like, do you want to get clients from social? You don't know how to do it. Like you know, do you want everyone? Is everyone talking? This was obviously years and years ago, is everyone talking about social media but you don't know where to start. Would you like to have someone to just do it for you? If so, I can help. You know I'm a single mom. I run my own business, like you. You know I'm looking for 10 clients I can help with their social accounts £250 a month, like. If you'd like a space, let me know.
Speaker 2:And I went and connected with everybody I could find in my hometown who had a business and they just started to message me and say, hi, helen, can you help me with my socials? And yes, I can see. It's 250 pounds a month and great. And I got these 10 clients and suddenly I was making two and a half grand a month. I was like, oh my god, this is life-changing for me, like this is like unbelievable. It really was, and it was only after doing that for for a number of years, my client. I used to get all of these. I grew the business I'm returning to an agency and we had some staff and everything and it was doing great. I was so miserable. I hated having staff, I hated having clients. I hated, you know, having to deal with people all the time and felt like I was working for 10 different bosses and and then you know, we grew it and you know we turned over much more then but, I,
Speaker 2:remember I met this guy and he said to me how are you getting all these clients? You know that, you know where are you getting all these like you know, top of the range clients from that I was posting about my social proof and I said, oh, they all come to me on LinkedIn. And he said, oh, on LinkedIn, right, what's your DMing strategy? And I was like now what she was like. He's like what are you sending in the direct messages and what's your personalized collection requests? And you know how do you follow up and how do you? And I was like, oh, I don't do any of that. I just do these three, three things every day. And they come to me. And he said like this is kind of like middle-aged white guy in a cheap suit, you know. And he was like no, helen, that's not how it works. And I was like listen, guy in the cheap suit, that is how it works. It's been working. I've been doing it for six years. At that point I was like that's exactly how it works. I do these things on LinkedIn every day. My audience grows, people do my comments, I put out posts and people see the posts and they send me a message and they buy from me. And he was just like, don't believe it. And I wrote it all down. I was on, I was in a golf club at a networking event and I wrote it on a napkin and I was like, look, this is what you do. You do your headline profile, do these three things a day off.
Speaker 2:He went and then the next time I saw him he was like Helen, guess what? I was like what strange man. And he said I got a lead. And I went yeah, no. And he was like no, you don't understand.
Speaker 2:I've been on LinkedIn for ages. I've got thousands of connections, I've been to loads of LinkedIn training. I've read all the books, I've done all the trainings, I've bought all the courses. I've never had a lead on LinkedIn. And I did what you told me to do. And it's somebody's come to me and they want to buy from me and and you know, I've not even had to sell to them because they've, they've just, I've just done exactly what you said to do. And I was like, yeah, I know, that's how it works. And he said, and I do owe this guy a pint. He said no, you don't understand, you should teach this. And I was like, really. I thought everybody would use LinkedIn like this, like I don't really understand why it's so complicated, and he said no, helen, you've got to teach this. And so I did. So I started teaching online. I started doing it like one-to-one and then, once I got sick of saying the same things, I did hundreds and hundreds of one-to-ones don't get me wrong. People all over the world. I closed my agency down.
Speaker 2:Work with all these different people like business like big businesses, small, like freelancers, product business, business to business, coaches, literally everything extroverts, introverts UK, america, australia, new Zealand. I was working all kinds of days and nights, had no boundaries then and I was just like this is just working for everybody. I should well truth. The truth of the story is then I got a massive tax bill and I was like, oh my god, I've got to make all of this money now. But I did think you know what? I'm saying the same thing to these people. I should just do see if I could do a group thing. So I said I'm going to do this thing called the LinkedIn mastermind not a great name, I know and then, but it's, I think. Then I charged something like 300 pounds and I sold it to eight people. But I did it and you know, and I filmed it as we went and I made it up as we were going and I did a different video every day let's do this, do that. And then it just people just loved it. So I learned I did it again, I launched it again and sold it to 10 people and launched it again to 20 people and then I started doing free five-day challenges so I could help more people for free. That couldn't afford to buy my other stuff. But what happened was people would do the free challenge. Then they'd be like, right, let's buy the program, right. So we started to do these free five-day challenges. We do six a year. We're doing it for seven years. We did more in covid. We did about, we did them back to back when we were in lockdown, but we've just done all of these sort of launches, as we call it.
Speaker 2:So we do these free five-day challenges. We get tens of thousands of people in there. Now I think we've got 12, 13 000 people in the group. People just go absolutely mad for it. I do a live with wine every night. So like I do a live q a and have a glass of wine. In the old days I used to do like, think, nearly a bottle of wine, but anyway, nowadays I'm a bit civilized and then I just have a glass of wine. Um, but you know, people just love it. I wear a silly hat and we get like thousands of people in this group and you know hundreds of people on the call. We give away prizes and stuff and you know it's just been life-changing for me because I just I still can't believe it really that it's something so simple to me.
Speaker 2:But when I teach it people are like, wow, that's amazing, and I'm like great. So they go off and they do it and it works. And then they're like, wow, I've got something really, you know, good for my business that is going to help me in my business and I'm like great like you can have it like.
Speaker 2:You can have it for free you know, like I've taught it to you today. I teach it everywhere I go. I'll teach it at a party if someone wants to know. I teach it in a free five-day challenge. I want everybody to know because it was life-changing for me. But obviously some people want to join the program. They want to be part of the community, they want to come to the lives, the nuances, and I teach all the business stuff as well now because you know we've made over three million pounds running, like running this program. So people want to know like, what's that like? And and you know how do, how can I do something like that and that kind of thing. So we have kind of grown. We've expanded from just being pure LinkedIn to being online business marketing, really, um, but yeah, it's just been completely life-changing for me and the best fun, like I just love entrepreneurs. I think we're all mad and crazy and just the best people to hang out with.
Speaker 2:I could probably make a lot of money doing corporate training. I used to do a lot of corporate training and consultancy and it's big money and it's big impact, but I just it's not my vibe. I can do it and I get paid well for it, but I just love small business owners, entrepreneurs, people who are just out there on the front line, who I know. If I can help and make an extra two, five, ten grand a month. This is life-changing for families and I know this because they dm me and tell me so and I cry and they cry and it's all you know. I mean it's like I can take my kids on holiday and it's amazing and it's changed my life and I'm not stressed anymore. Like to me that's the most powerful impact I can have. So that's why I do everything at a big scale so I can help people, you know, for £3,000 and not £30,000.
Speaker 2:You know which I can get paid doing consultancy. So it's a bit of a labour of love. It's a, it's a mission really now because you know, I've got four children. I've got two daughters of my own and stepson and daughter. They're all teenagers now and it's just really important for them that they see that it's about helping as many people as you possibly can. We're getting you know really good at something and just teaching it over and over again is really, really, really powerful and valuable for me. So, yeah, it's been amazing. What a journey.
Speaker 1:It's amazing. Thank you for doing what you do and helping. You know people like us, like everyone in the audience, and you did mention that you have this free five day challenge. Is my audience invited? Can you tell us a little bit more about that?
Speaker 2:I just love to have your audience there. So the five day challenge is completely free. Yes, we're going to try and sell you the mastermind. Don't be surprised when that happens, you know, on the Wednesday. But you know what it is tried and tested. It's we've been running it like, like I say, 40 or 50 times. We've done it now and it's an experience.
Speaker 2:You know we put on great events. It's like it's like going on tour. For me it's like being Beyonce for a week. It's like, you know, it's like showing on hundreds of people on the lives, and I just love the energy of it. It's fast and furious, you know. It's five days of training, but it's taking action and putting stuff out there and taking action out on LinkedIn as well. So it's not just learning, it's implementing and executing, which is my thing. You know. You meet me at an event. I'll be like have you put an offer out today? It's all about doing, not learning, which is why I try and keep the learning as quick. You've learned it, you know. So now it's about implementing. Well, what does that actually mean and what does that look like and how can I get that done today, you know. So I'm very much about, in the moment implementation, because you know and I know that's, that's where we get.
Speaker 2:you know we get a result. So the five is completely free. Like I said, we'll try and sell to you, obviously, but most people don't buy and that's okay. So it's designed for you to come and find out more about yourself, more about your business, more about your mindset, more about how to position yourself, and then we put it out on LinkedIn, just in front of all those lovely people with money.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, I love that. And my in front of all those lovely people with money. Yes, yes, I love that. And my coach the other last week on our coaching call she said it's kind of like when you go to Costco like you get a free sample, you don't get offended if someone's like, hey, you want to buy the whole box. Like if you loved it, you buy the box, and if you didn't, that's fine, you just go to the next little sample right now. Yeah, as I say, it's not my job to convince you to buy right now.
Speaker 2:You might not be ready to buy right now, but my job just to keep showing up. We, honestly, we do the same challenge over and over again. Lots of people come many, many times. People once have already joined my program. They still come. Everyone loves. Everyone loves challenge week. What can I say? You know, my whole family know when it's challenge week. My husband knows when it's challenge like it's like it's a thing. So we do challenge week, yeah, six times a year. So there will always be one coming up. So whenever you're listening to this, click on that link and it'll just give you the next available date. And I would love for your people to come and tell me where you've come from when I do the live on the Monday and I'm like where you've all come from. Tell us if you are like hashtag team Nicole. That would be amazing awesome.
Speaker 1:That's what we use. Hashtag team Nicole, I love that well. Thank you so much for joining me today. Helen, do you have any last minute, like last tip that you want to leave the audience with? I mean, you've given us so much already, I think the.
Speaker 2:The real power, though, in the work that I do is the ideal client work. So if I was going to give you one tip, it would be to go deep on your ICA ideal client avatar. Really, when we really so, the way I do ideal client avatar work is we co-create a human being. So they've got a name, they've got an age, they've got a life, like they're not a 30 to 40-year-old woman, you know what I mean. They a 30 to 40 year old woman. You know I mean they are. There's emma, she's 37, you know like you know. So we really create them. You know, we create them in our, our minds, eye, um, and then ultimately, once we create them, we connect to them on an energetic level. So I'm like super woo, so I like switch off now if you're not into any of this stuff.
Speaker 2:But actually creating an ideal client as a human being in the quantum field and connecting with them energetically, then we can use linkedin as it's purely a bridge. You know, if you do believe in manifesting and the universe and all that good stuff, then creating an ideal client is creating a visual. You know, it's creating something that you want to manifest into your real life. So, when we have set that intention, then we do the strategy. On linkedin, those two things, the spirituality and the strategy, really, really knit together in my world and I think manifesting is great and strategy is great.
Speaker 2:But if you can set the intention to manifest your dream client using linkedin, then use my strategy to create the bridge into the reality, into the you know, the human world that we live in, and I always say, like connect into your ideal client and then ask the universe to compel them towards you. So it's not going out and trying to find people, it's like get people. You know you want people to be like. I just felt like I just had to go on LinkedIn and then I just saw your post and then I just felt like I just had to go on LinkedIn and then I just saw your post, and then I just felt like you were the person to to connect with, and it's like when we can really magnetize clients towards us.
Speaker 2:I think that is the missing piece for me in business. It's dream clients, soul level clients, not just any old client. We've all got clients that we've hated in the past, right? None of those clients, yeah. No toxic clients that make you feel sick before the call. No clients that make you don't want to open their whatsapps right? Only soul level clients that feel like this was like a meant to be energetic connection. That's the difference. It's not just about any clients, it's about dream, dream clients and I think that's what I like.
Speaker 2:That's what I'd like for you to take away from this. Listening to this is like I don't want you to find any clients on LinkedIn. I want you to find the dream soul of the clients for you on LinkedIn, and it starts with creating an intention of who you want to attract to you and then taking the action on LinkedIn. I think doing it in that order is how we make this really a really powerful co-creation experience for the business.
Speaker 1:I love that and to bring back, like my big thing is gratitude. That is so helpful in being grateful, like you can be grateful for that client, and so you have a vision in your head of who she is or he is and what they do and what they look like, what they like, what they don't like, and I mean that's only going to help you in creating content right like, and that's it so when clients come to me.
Speaker 2:So you know, a one-to-one client comes to me like can you go and review my linkedin post? It's maybe not landing. And I was like, well before I do that, I want you to go and connect with your ideal client for 10 minutes and then come back to me and tell me what does she need to hear right now from you so she can trust you that you can help her solve a problem. And then, when you do it that way around, it's suddenly it's like oh, of course my content's not landing. It's because I'm writing it from my head and not my heart. So like, yeah, there's a, there's a just, and this is quite new for me to be talking about.
Speaker 2:To be honest, it's like there's a definite. I feel like I really want to be in that position of spirituality and strategy and how we can bring those two things together. So, yeah, you probably weren't expecting that from me when it comes to linkedin, right, but it's, you know it, it's just a bridge. You know, I truly believe that linkedin is is a gift from god and and is a way for us to bring those dream people to us. So really enjoy the opportunity to us.
Speaker 2:So really enjoy the opportunity and, like I say, be grateful for the opportunity. I always say, like we don't have to post on LinkedIn, we get to post on LinkedIn. We don't have to find new clients on LinkedIn, we get to. You know it's free, you don't even need a premium account, it's free and it takes you 20 minutes, half an hour a day. Like we should be grateful for this, not complaining that we, you know, we've got to find time to do it. It's like wow, look at the world we live in, where we've got this computer in our hands. That means that we can magnetize dream clients to us. I mean, yeah, gratitude is again the missing piece, I think, in a lot of people's business strategy. So, yeah, interesting combo.
Speaker 1:I love that. Well, like I said, thank you so much, helen. This has just been absolutely amazing. Not a podcast episode at all. This is an absolute master class in dominating your business and getting leads in really like really taking advantage of LinkedIn because it's there. A lot of people take it for granted, a lot of people thought it was like for careers, for corporate people, and your people are out there and like she's I love what Helen said about that the people with jobs right, the people with really good jobs, that they're active, they're always on the computer those are the people that are on LinkedIn. So I absolutely love this episode and we will see you next time here on Overcome Yourself, the podcast.
Speaker 2:Thanks, bye sorry about the dog.