Overcome Yourself - The Podcast

Harmonizing Healing: Emily Thorner's Journey from Opera to Energy Healing


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Emily Thorner, a passionate singer and healer, joins us to share her transformative journey from opera to energy healing. With a career-redefining moment in 2017, Emily's vocal surgery led her to discover the powerful intersection of music and personal healing. Her story is not just about recovery but a mission to help others find their unique voices and overcome personal obstacles. Her latest single, "Prayer for Peace," is a testament to this journey, available on all major streaming platforms.

Explore the fascinating science of sound frequency and its surprising impact on our emotions and physical health. Discover the intriguing studies on how sound, tone, and pitch can alter brain waves and even influence the physical world around us. From the rejuvenating effects of classical music to the innovative ideas of using sound to extinguish fires, the potential for healing and transformation through sound is boundless.

Finally, we journey into the deeper realms of self-manifestation and authenticity. Learn how addressing subconscious imbalances and raising your vibrational frequency can lead to true personal transformation. Emily shares her insights on becoming the version of ourselves that aligns with our true desires and offers a free resource, "Prayer for Peace," to empower listeners on their path. This episode celebrates the joy of genuine self-expression and encourages you to embrace your voice with confidence and boldness.

TLDR Featured in this episode:

• Emily's early connection to music
• The impact of vocal surgery on her life and career
• Discovering the energetic patterns that block potential
• The scientific basis of sound healing through frequencies
• Importance of authenticity in communication
• Introduction of her new single, "Prayer for Peace"
• Call to action for audience engagement and healing through music

Stay in touch with Emily:

Book a Breakthrough Call with Emily – https://www.emilythorner.com/

Listen to Emily’s Music & "Prayer for Peace" – Available on all major streaming platforms: https://www.youtube.com/@emilythorner

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Nicole Tuxbury:

Hello and welcome back to Overcome Yourself the podcast. As you know, my name is Nicole and I'm so excited to be here today with Emily. Now, Emily, you've got a lot going on. You are in music, so tell me a little bit about you and your journey and what you did today.

Emily Thorner:

Sure, first of all, thank you so much for having me, nicole, and I'm excited to meet everyone virtually when you hear this. So, yes, the tiny like spark notes is that I am a singer with a big purpose of raising the consciousness of humanity through song, and I also do up close and personal energy work with people through my business and Moon Rising, and really everything centers around the power of your voice, your voice to make a difference, your voice and your purpose, and I feel like you'll feel that in my music too.

Nicole Tuxbury:

So, singer on a mission, that's the summary I just muted myself so I wouldn't interrupt you. So I absolutely love that. Where can we find your music Like I want to listen? So tell us a little bit about that before we even get started.

Emily Thorner:

Absolutely everywhere. It's on every single streaming platform, so I'll send you the link, but it's on Spotify, amazon Music, literally everywhere. And we just released the very first single, which is Prayer for Peace. And when I tell you, like, just take a few minutes and just sit with this piece, you will feel this peace. There's a lot to say about this. I assume we'll get more to that, but yeah, it's everywhere. Prayer for Peace, I love that.

Nicole Tuxbury:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right. So we look up just by your name. Yeah, emily Thorner, and all of those links are going to be down in the show notes Wherever you're listening to this. You'll be able to get those. That is amazing. So tell me about your journey to being a singer, because that's like a dream career for people, right, like every, like you know, I think everyone at some point might dream about. I know I used to dream about being on stage and singing. Unfortunately, I didn't have the equipment for that, you know. But tell me about your journey and how you came to do this.

Emily Thorner:

Yeah, definitely. So it definitely. All these things come in multiple phases, right? So phase one always knew I was a singer. I would be the person singing like show tunes around. You know, singing a whole new world in the grocery store with my mother when I was like a toddler, so like it was no secret that this girl loves to sing. Um, so it began in, you know, classical music. Actually it began in classical music, opera, training, went to school for that, two different degrees in that and really studied all of the, the technical pieces of, of music and really, you know, thought I was going towards like an opera way. We always think we know where we're going and then something, then divine intervention happens and you go somewhere even bigger, which is the great part. So you know, it's always been a part of me. I cannot remember a time when I didn't know I am a singer. So that's always been true. And then and then and then and then, and you know I took journeys in different genres.

Emily Thorner:

I took journeys and like a small journey in music theater and was a double major there, and not in the song now, but in some of the songs coming out you will hear that you'll hear glimpses of that, but at all, like, as I said, I had a pretty big, strong beginning in opera and contemporary music and contemporary classical opera, because my voice and there is no way to say this without just saying it is one of the highest voices in the world and so I always knew I was a little bit different right and so again, that kind of lended itself well to classical crashed and burned in my life in a big, bold way in 2017. And in such a way, I couldn't ignore it because it really focused on my health and as I saw that I had to actually keep quiet for six whole weeks to maintain my voice and as I had to have vocal surgery and as I had to move through huge things and a lot of endings, it was really leading me towards a higher calling and I had to have vocal surgery and as I had to move through huge things and a lot of endings, it was really leading me towards a higher calling and I had no idea this at the time and it led me towards an inner healing journey. It led me towards really looking at myself and that led to starting a business, and I had no plan to start a business. I don't have a business degree, I don't have like a business mind, right but to be a singer you have to be a bit entrepreneurial anyway. But still, this was never on my plan and really it just kind of came with this continued curiosity about what's at the core for people, what's at the root for people. How do people get where they are? How do people, how do some people not allow love into what others do? How do some people have massive success but other people have roadblock after roadblock?

Emily Thorner:

And in my own life I felt like okay, I feel like I'm, I think I'm talented, I think I think I'm okay, but why are things not opening Right? And so it led me on this huge journey for answers. And that big question eventually led to huge answers because, as I tried to go to the spark notes but though this really is a big part of the story, so maybe it'll be longer than spark notes heads up it led me to really finding the root of where my patterns were. And I didn't think that was even a possibility, because if you had asked me years ago, I would have just said this person's just lucky or this person's just not. And it turns out all of that's actually not true. It has nothing to do with luck. It has to do with your energetics, it has to do with your soul, it has to do with your soul's contracts, right? And so I was moving through so many big plates, like all my whole foundations were changing as I eventually discovered this karmic contract, something huge.

Emily Thorner:

I overcame this contract between myself and my father, which was always keeping me small, always keeping my voice small, always keeping me afraid. And when I conquered that, which nobody taught me, it was something I figured out on my own. That is when healing gifts opened up in me and I'm going to hope people in your audience I feel like based on reading, they're going to know what I mean. But if you're new to what I mean, like I knew how to help people and find things in a way that I didn't read in a book, and that was a shock at that time, a shock, not to say I didn't do some pieces, pieces I had like proper Reiki attunements and was Reiki trained, blah, blah, blah. But as I healed things in myself, I literally would wake up and know how to find patterns within other people and then, when I started doing that with other people, they started having crazy, amazing changes.

Emily Thorner:

So then I became singer and business owner. It's about to get juicy, though. It's about to get good, though it's about to get good, and still, though these things, like I was like, okay, they're clearly separate. Oh my God, they are not separate. They are not separate. And I thought for years that they were separate, like my own, my own stubborn mind, couldn't get past it, because I thought to myself singing is technical or singing just makes you feel good, the things that we more conventionally know, turns out, the power of frequency can do so much more than we think it can, and that's a lot of what I'm here for. So, fast forward.

Emily Thorner:

I started doing these programs that were really quite successful at the time. I had like 60 people, over 60 people, on a Zoom call clearing these patterns with me. And one day I start singing. It Didn't mean to, wasn't on my plan and suddenly people are crying and they're like typing in the Zoom chat. Oh my God, emily, I've never felt anything like this in my life and I'm like I don't know what's happening, but something big is happening.

Emily Thorner:

And then there's another big experience. That happened where I was at a crypto convention and I'm singing and suddenly like tons of people are just surrounding me and then I'm combining again energy, work and singing, having again no understanding of what I'm doing, but just kind of leaning into where the moment shows me to go and discovering that people report incredible things happening to them, not just during but after. You know, like my very first client in this work like went on to be a millionaire and that sounds like such a story, but it's actually just true and I'm like dang, something's happening so fast forward, fast forward, fast forward. Finally, finally, all the pieces come in mind and again, the more I'd work on myself and the more I take my own programs and the more I I'm obsessed with the energetics of the voice. That's a big thing I'm doing with people right now that I invite everybody to do, like everyone, even you, if you feel called to it like as a podcaster, like that your voice in the world has so much more that can open.

Emily Thorner:

And as I did that experience myself, then my voice started getting put into places where I was around policyholders and royalty and giving speeches, places I never thought I would be, where it began to be speaking about raising the frequency of humanity and realizing that just in doing so. I was doing that, and so now we're in a whole new, a whole new world. We're in a whole new world where the music is not about a genre, it is not about opera, it is not, you won't. I mean, yes, of course people can find and look up all my classical stuff, and I not that I wouldn't still sing that. But that's not the point of the brand and not the point of what I'm here for. The point is the voice and the point is what the voice can do. And the point is what the voice can do and the point is what your voice can do.

Emily Thorner:

And so now, singing is really about spreading purpose and magic through purpose and awakening our magic. So you know, like it's never, I mean, yes, it is my dream career, I guess you could say that but it certainly has come with many challenges and it's not, you know, a checklist thing. For me, it's really like this is what I'm on the earth for, and I'm also on the earth to help other people open what they are and expand what they are on the earth for, and it's kind of just this beautiful, beautiful cycle. That was a long answer, but there you go.

Nicole Tuxbury:

No, but it was fantastic it is. It is the journey of overcoming yourself right, of facing this, what seems like an insurmountable situation. Like you, you always use your voice and then you couldn't, like, like it wasn't even that. You were just like, I'm just going to be quiet, like the doctors were literally like you can't use it. Done Six weeks, be quiet. And you're like what? And then your whole life changes because everything that you thought, your plans, your everything, you know they're just gone in an instant. But you looked around and you said what do I have, like, what is at my disposal? What can I do with this? And then you did it, and so you are the epitome of the overcome yourself story like that, that's. You know, that is what I did, too.

Nicole Tuxbury:

Right, I was on a boat accident and then I spent the next, like you know, 10, 12 years growing up and being told that my back didn't hurt and so I would just do things like a normal kid, but it would be in pain. And then, at 21, 22, I went to the doctor and they're like you have the back of an 80 year old and and she's disabled and if you don't change paths, you're going to be in a wheelchair in five years and I was like, oh, and so my whole life changed. Like I had to quit my job because I was a server. I couldn't do that anymore and so, yeah, and then you look around and you're like, well, what do I have? Like, what can I do from right where I am?

Nicole Tuxbury:

And I wrote my book, I started my podcast and like, like that's the reason that you and I are here talking today, right, um, and so I just think it's such a wonderful story to just highlight like resilience, like it's, it's okay. Like, if you reach this place where you're like I don't know what I'm gonna do because everything's changed, um, you know you and I are, are the, the living embodiments that it's gonna be okay and that you can still put a beautiful puzzle back together with the pieces that you have left, right, um? So tell me more. Tell me more about. You mentioned the frequency of the voice. Um, like are you talking about? Like the tone that I'm speaking in the volume, the words like what are you talking about? Like the tone that I'm speaking in the volume, the words like what are we talking about here?

Emily Thorner:

So first of all, thank you for sharing a little bit more of your story too. But yes, exactly that. You know like all things usher us deeper into our purpose, even when we don't know that they are. So frequency, so all of those things just slightly define. I mean, like tone is like the pitch, right, like that's it's a longer definition than that but like a deep tone or a strong tone or a very light tone or a bright tone, Right, but like that's still a different kind of thing.

Emily Thorner:

And you know what's funny, in two music degrees, nobody taught you about frequency, Nobody. It's like the one thing they don't change. Nobody, it's like the one thing they don't change. But I first started going on this area of curiosity when I discovered, like binaural beats, actually years ago, like what would, what happened when you listen to different beats in two different ears and how that changed your brain waves, like scientifically, how that changes your brain waves. So that was the first piece of curiosity, but still that it goes further than that. The frequency which unfortunately we can't see, but it can be scientifically measured of different sounds will have a different effect on people, right? So a very easy way to understand this is that we are made of 60 to 70% water and there have been what is it emoto study on water that showed, when different points of either love or hate, for example, were on the water, we saw the like, the crystals, like the structure of the water physically changed. Same thing is true of humans, same thing is true of tears.

Nicole Tuxbury:

Animals makes me think of tears like tears are different depending on the emotion.

Emily Thorner:

Yeah, plants, animals, earth, all of these things. Right, for example, two different people could say the same sentence, but the frequency behind which they say it probably going to feel some despair and fear. If they're saying it from more of a love frequency, how are you going to feel? You're going to feel different, right, you're going to feel different. Of course, a lot of people with sound healing, for example, they think of singing bowls and for sure, like that is a place to go, but my discovery was that that's still just touching and scratching the surface. That is a place to go, but my discovery was that that's still just touching and scratching the surface.

Emily Thorner:

I believe that we all have different chakra points. I mean, that's like pretty common knowledge at this point. But your throat center, the more you heal your voice, the more you heal your throat center, the more you heal in general. You're shedding all these different layers that no longer serve you. That really aren't you. Anyway, you're really coming home to you, right, and in that process, you're raising your overall frequency and your voice can have different codes in it, can have different um capacity in it, as in it's not just, as I said, what you say, not even just the mood and how you say it, but the frequency that your voice holds. And I think the best way to sort of explain this without explaining it, because somewhat it is a bit beyond explanation, but it's not, it's also scientifically backed If you listen to prayer for peace and you put good headphones in or a good speaker, because we really need that See, see if you get goosebumps, see if you feel something deeper, and that's how you know the frequency is quite high.

Emily Thorner:

When I stepped into the recording studio to record that song, oh man, it was like the world stopped. It felt like I was filled in a room with angels and like it was hard to not cry. I could feel so much in that song. And when I'm doing healing work with people, you know that's a similar journey. Like it will, it will sometimes just like spark and you'll know, oh my God, something big is happening Right. So it's like it's what touches us, but it's also what's behind what touches us, and frequency has incredible power.

Emily Thorner:

And actually I'm gonna share a thing that I read the other day, and god knows if I can tell all the details of it, because I just read it. Obviously there's a lot of extreme things happening in the world right now, la is literally on fire. Yes, I saw and read somewhere that someone created a way to put out fires that uses frequency. I don't actually know how they're doing this, I can't explain this, I don't know, but I saw it. I saw them physically use it and you see fires go out.

Emily Thorner:

And someone wrote in the comments they were like imagine they know how frequency can heal, and I was like I was just laughing yeah, like this. There are scientific studies and this I got really nerdy about at one point, cause I remember when someone was like that's not real and I was like look at the science. Love when something is provable. But there have been studies of of a composer and a scientist came together I can't quote their exact names at this moment, I can maybe put that in the show notes where they showed that sound could actually get rid of cancer cells and that it was faster through the human voice than through an instrument or a bowl.

Nicole Tuxbury:

Interesting, like we have barely scratched the surface right, uh, I saw, I've seen, I've seen talk of frequency. Um, you know, I, I've seen, I've seen that before. Um, I saw a video specifically the other day. I don't know how true it is because it's the internet, but it was saying um, I believe it was beethoven's symphony yeah, yeah, yeah has more healing power, like when you listen to it it will, it heals yourselves more than any of the other classical musicians.

Nicole Tuxbury:

Like it's just there's something about that like musical composition, um, so yeah, so super interesting. Like I would love to hear more from you about that. Like if you, if you find out more about that, because I just saw it very recently, in the last two weeks, and I was like, oh, this is very interesting. So if I find that video, I'm going to send it to you so we could discuss it.

Emily Thorner:

I think I've actually heard it. I think I've actually heard it and I can say I agree with that. It's as I said. It's not just the notes or the rhythms on the page or what it is. It is the frequency in which it is made and emitted and that the self then feels it. That is what makes the difference. And another, oh, what is his name? What is his name? There's somebody who researched, uh, like the spiral of different frequencies. Not that, but that too, what is it called.

Emily Thorner:

It'll come to me later, I'll send it to you later, but yeah, like the spiral of consciousness. David Hawkins got it. David Hawkins' spiral of consciousness. This was a way that we could visually see where we are in our frequency. But I think sometimes people, when they even look at that, they think of just like a temporary like are and our frequency. But I think sometimes people, when they even look at that, they think of just like a temporary like. Okay, I'm feeling love right now, but it's not just about.

Nicole Tuxbury:

Like feeling love once. It's about like emanating and being an embodiment, right, um, like, like when we're talking, even about like it reminds me of manifestation, like even quantum physics. Right, like raising our vibration, like I've experienced it, the people that hang out around me, like the, the, the animals coming closer to me, you know, like there's certain things, like I was at a lower vibration. I remember, um, and I was like I want to make better friends, I need to raise up my vibration. And like you know, like 10 years ago, like I would not have crossed paths with you because I wasn't ready, like my vibrations were nowhere near ready. And now, in all the studying that I've done, you know, like it always says the vibe right, like you are quantifying the vibe, like there's a vibe, like sometimes, even if what, when you were talking earlier, like when someone's creepy and they talk to us and we're like something's off, like that could be the frequency, right, that just the frequency is really wrong and so it's like no, this doesn't vibe with me.

Nicole Tuxbury:

So I really love that. Just some of the few things that I, the thoughts that I had, oh it's so true.

Emily Thorner:

I mean, I kind of want to go on like a slight riff about manifestation, if you don't mind, since you sort of yeah, please go for it so, like also, I couldn't have had this conversation 10 years ago either. Let's be clear, I was not. I was still, you know, still in my like struggle days of thinking I had to be programmed in that come a long way. We made it.

Nicole Tuxbury:

We overcame see the theme.

Emily Thorner:

So, with manifestation, like it's such a layered thing, right, and people I think often think of just think of what you want and that will be. But obviously it's so much deeper than that and it's so much more in our subconscious than that and one of the things that made, not one of the things like the thing that raised my frequency and the thing that has helped me, not just like short term but like long term due transformation, and not just me, but repeatedly, like repeatedly seeing this in my clients over and over and over and over, to the point where I'm like I can't ignore this, like very much I'm on to something. We're on to something was getting to the root of where these you know, pieces that cause imbalance come from, and that's the part that in manifestation I don't see talked about very often. You know like they might talk about like eft tapping or something like that, but that's like so scratching the surface of what's possible.

Emily Thorner:

When you do, um, like pattern clearing work, karmic work, which is the stuff I do up close with people, or like activation work, which is the stuff I do up close with people, but you also will get like a bit of activations.

Emily Thorner:

You'll get activations as you listen to my singing too, but like when, when I'm working with people up close in moon rising, we are going like point to point to point to point to point and we're actually finding in the physical body, where we somatically hold, these old patterns, so that we can shift them, release them, not just a little bit, but like of every single lifetime you've ever been, and then activate into a higher dimensional frequency that your body actually wants to hold.

Emily Thorner:

And I think this is going to become bigger and bigger and bigger because the world is purging. We've got so many solar flares and, as I'm sure you know but for anyone that maybe listening, that doesn't know, we are collectively moving in this direction anyway. But it also requires us not to just stand back and just be like, okay, well, I'm just going to move a little bit, but really to step forward and step into this, because you can, anybody can, if they want to work with me, they can find, identify and shift the different points of what we are holding and then activate into a higher frequency. When you do, your frequency will go even higher and new opportunities and things like it's not just that your manifestations get faster, but in addition to that your reality changes because you're no longer living in the reality that you were holding those old patterns, and and so it's just like manifestation, like times one million. It's really, really so.

Nicole Tuxbury:

That's what I discovered and that's what I wanted to share no, I think that's really important because, um, you know, I know, I've seen it a lot of places and it's it seemed like magical. But this isn't. It's not magical, right, it's quantum physics. I've been reading happy pocket full of money. It was not at all I was expecting. I don't know what I was expecting. I was expecting something about money and it's not. It's all quantum physics so far. But that's what it's talking about. It's embodying that, becoming that right, and we already are that. Whatever you want, like it's already yours, it's already yours, it's already you already have it. Like it's it's very, it's very simple, but it's also very complex, right, like there's like a um, but it's becoming becoming the version of yourself that has that thing, and then, and then you just you just have it, um, and it sounds insane, I know, I know it sounds kind of insane, but it works.

Nicole Tuxbury:

It's science, it's not magic, um, and there's a lot more to it than just wishing, wanting, you know anyway, anyway, um, okay. So, freebie, do you have a free gift for the audience that you are offering?

Emily Thorner:

I'd say the best freebie would be to listen to prayer for Peace and just hear the first song. Do it, get to know it. If people may want to work together, they could work a breakthrough call. So there's freebies that they can do.

Emily Thorner:

Yes, that's the best way to begin, I would say, is those but the Prayer for Peace and any of the music coming out, all to say again, not only is it high frequency, but you'll find that the music is empowering. It is so empowering and like, this piece is so, so special. It's like not just for world peace, but world peace and ending climate change and supporting. You know, like, let there be, maybe we really see ourselves as one humanity. You know, like, let there be, maybe we really see ourselves as one humanity, one humanity like and there's even a line that you know speaks to ending human trafficking and my favorite line, which is our voice for the voiceless, um, shall not be silenced or shamed, like. There's powerful, powerful text in that. So, yeah, prayer for peace and if people might want to work together, a breakthrough call, yeah, awesome that is amazing, and all those links will be, like I said earlier, down in the show notes.

Nicole Tuxbury:

Um, all right, so final tip, if you had one final tip to give the audience, what? What is it? Use your voice other than use your voice.

Emily Thorner:

Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not going to rush this, I'm actually going to sink into this for a hot second. Let's see To remember the importance of your truth, because your truth, we may not always be living in our truth. We might actually accidentally be living under like the umbrella of what we thought we should do, what somebody else suggested for us or what we thought was possible, and in fact, life is so much more than that. When you are truly living in your truth and letting your inner truth be something you can hear, which is something you can do through voice work, which we could again do together, you will find that everything is easier and everything makes more sense because it actually comes from you.

Emily Thorner:

Your authenticity, your truth, is the most powerful driver you have. And back to frequency. I forget again where I heard this, but that authenticity is actually an even higher frequency than love or gratitude. It's like as high as it gets. Say it again live in your authenticity is the highest, is, or like just about the highest. I something like even higher than love or gratitude as a frequency. Your authenticity, you being all of you, you living in your inner truth, and a lot of us can't hear our inner truth or can't access it. So it's an invitation that your inner truth is is wanting your attention and to connect with you.

Nicole Tuxbury:

Yeah, that's it, that is amazing, I asked because, like, my whole thing is gratitude, and so it's. I've just found that super, super important. We didn't even get to that because, like, we were just having a great conversation, um, but you know, like, knowing authenticity, like is up there with it, and gratitude is a path to it. Right, like that's a path that I used to be grateful for me and for all the things me, even the things I didn't like, um, but learning to be grateful for me and for all the things me, even the things I didn't like, but learning to be grateful for that so that I could be authentic. And so, like it's, it's amazing because it's just like a big snowball, like a good snowball, right, usually that's like a metaphor for bad things, but like it's like a big snowball and and then it just leads to authenticity and I mean, like, how awesome is that to just be at the highest vibration. So I love that.

Emily Thorner:

That's beautiful yeah.

Nicole Tuxbury:

Thank you so, so much, emily. This has been absolutely amazing and thank you, guys for joining us. We will see you next time on Overcome Yourself, the podcast. Thanks, bye, bye.